Meet Kilian Baker

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Kilian's pov

Ugh, my beautiful weekend is now over and it's time to go back to the dreadful thing called high school.

Gosh, I would rather stay at home and play video games than go to f**king school.

I have no reason to go there, ok there's Charlie but then again, he's my only friend.

School sucks, it's loud and I don't get to have peace. What's worse is that I get misgendered all the time and I'm sick of it. Through, I know it's not like I can change a dang thing and it's not like I would do something about it either.

Regardless, being home is better despite my parents. Oh, the joy of my parents.

Yeah, my parents. They're nice but they don't get me. For instance, they keep using the wrong pronouns despite my numeral attempts to make them understand I prefer the pronouns they/them/theirs.

They even always boast about how much they are proud of their boy or the opposite. Then, they talk about they wished I would stop being on my damn phone playing video games or my PS5 all the time, then get friends like the others my age.

Their complaints are so annoying. Why can't I just be in peace? I don't need other friends, I already got Charlie.

By now you must have figured out who I am right? Yeah, I'm just Kilian Baker, the non-binary video gamer or aka the huge introvert. So annoying seriously.

Everyone in our school is known for something but I'm not one of those trust me I would rather not be known for my video gaming. I want to go by unnoticed.

Unlike Charlie who's hopelessly crushing on Maverick the Spitfires basketball captain, I want to remain in the shadows. I don't look for fame or look to get noticed. Not my intention at all.

Though, I distinctly remember my mom saying I'm only looking for some attention that's why I say I'm non-binary. That's cruel but that's how most of this f**ked society thinks. Only Charlie doesn't think like that and accepts my choices and my identity.

Yeah, being non-binary is hard. Though, I won't let others decide for me.

I think it's harder because I'm biologically male and most non-binary I've seen or known are biologically female.

It's easier to see the difference for someone born female at birth when they identify as non-binary than guys.

There aren't really any differences. I haven't changed my body or anything. I wear plain hoodies and headphones thanks to my gaming hobby.

As my parents would say, there's nothing wrong with me and I'm just a little confused which is normal.

Thank goodness my name is Kilian. Yeah, my name is gender natural enough for me to not feel like changing it.

Anyways, how long have I known I'm not on the binary spectrum? All my life! Ok, I'm kidding, I wasn't always aware all my life about such terms.

I'd say at 12 I mostly knew. Ever since I was young, I never felt like the boy they made me to be. I just never felt like I was neither a boy, not a girl. I just didn't fit in and it was apparent.

At first, I thought I was trans but when I was 12, I first saw the word non-binary and I instantly knew it was me.

I've never felt like I was apart of the stereotypical gender that society knows about. As I know the terms now, it means I'm anything but binary.

Male and female are the binary gender but there are so much more genders than that as I've come to know in recent years. Gender is so complex and fluid I swear.

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