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*For those that don't remember, Jakri is the official ship name I gave Bakri and Joshua in all characters' love development. You are free to use this one or another one. Yes, this chapter is about them. Enjoy!*

Bakri's pov

Dancing is my favourite and it'll always be.

Well, I saw people dancing yesterday, on stage. Apparently, there'll be a talent show for a day called Rochester Day? I don't know what that is but seeing those people dance so freely made me so happy. Why can't I do that? My parents wouldn't let me...and besides, I don't dare to dance on stage.

Yesterday, I begged William to let me see the talent show and he agreed despite saying it should be a surprise. Everyone on stage was so cool! I got to also see the talent show. William was...phenomenal, that's the word? He was so perfect. I could never act like that. I'm not good at that.

I'm still amazed and even if I badly want to tell Olivia and Abigail about it too, I promised William to keep what's going on a secret, a promise is a promise.

Anyways, my good mood was demolished once I had math. Math...math I don't understand a thing! How will I pass and make my parents proud?

Complicated math revision class, finally ends and I get out alongside all my friends.

Then, I notice something that makes me sad...I think the school president and an Asian guy, are holding hands. I want that...I want that!

"Why do they get to hold hands?" I suddenly say and my friends all look at me confused.

"Who?" Olivia asks confused and I point to the two holding hands.

"Oh, they are dating," Abigail says.

"I want to date..."

"Oh, trust me, being single is ten times better, Bakri," Olivia says.

"But...I'm still sad..."

"Awh, poor you. I totally get you. You wished you would be in a relationship. Hopeless romantic." Abigail laughs.

"Hey, he's allowed to want love." William gets a bit offended and that shocks the girls.

"We're saying the same thing, though?" Olivia says confused.

William gets silenced and even if I don't understand fully, I know instantly what William is referring to. He's been hurt before because of love and thinks no one loves him.

"Then, who do you like Bakri?" Abigail asks.

As if on cue, the one I like suddenly appears further in the halls, Joshua...Joshua!

"Joshua!" I say happily.

Immediately, they get all silent.

"What's wrong? You asked me who I like and it's...Joshua."

"It's good that you like someone but didn't we tell you that Joshua is a bad influence for you?" Abigail smiles weirdly.

"Joshua doesn't like you, he hasn't talked to you in weeks," Olivia says.

"I know...but I love him! He's so cool!" The girls look at me discouraged.

"Um, Bakri I don't blame you...for liking Joshua. I mean, we tend, to fall for people that aren't good for us." William surprisingly says.

"Really? But...Joshua is so cool...and he's so pretty. He wouldn't hurt me..."

"I would love to say you're right but Joshua hasn't talked to you in weeks, which means he might dislike you," Olivia says sadly.

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