Meet Torrey Solomon

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Torrey's pov

This is so nice. It feels good training on a Saturday in the local gym. I like it. If it would've been a weekday I would've gone to the gym at school but it's not the case.

I know it sounds strange that a sophomore in High school is busy training at a gym on a Saturday instead of having fun but trust me I like it.

Push-ups are fun but it's better when you get to have all the equipment.

I'm the only teenager in this gym as it's mostly mid-twenties, thirties men and a few women.

It's maybe even weirder that I'm here in the middle of the afternoon but it's all fine. I love it.

The truth is I could've done something else at this hour or at least found myself a workout buddy but I don't have that.

My best friend is preparing for his next ice figure skating competition and my other friend is busy writing his next article for the journalism club. So, that only leaves me all by myself.

I could've landed another friend but I don't. As social as I am not a lot of people want to be my friend. Besides I'm loyal to my friends.

I'm Torrey Solomon and I'm a gym girl. There are not a lot of girls that like working out, that are strong and who like being at the gym all the time. Most girls keep to their ways and because of that, I'm seen as a tomboy. Well, I am tomboyish and I don't mind it one bit. I don't care what others say. I see myself as this alpha woman. Yeah, that's how I see myself.

I like to think I'm feared but I'm really not. I wish I was. I can tell some people judge me for being too masculine and that working out as much as I do is seen for guys only. There are girls like me but like I said not too much.

Those that do are into sports or something but I'm not into sport. Working out is just what I like.

Other than working out, I do have a life. I am still a teenager who has lots of fun.

I'd like to think dating wise everything is going just fine but that would be a lie.

I tend to like a lot of people. It's not my fault when I find them all attractive. Even if I consider a lot of people my type, I don't tend to like everybody.

Yeah, no. If it wasn't obvious yet, I'm omnisexual. It's a new term and it's very similar to Pansexual through it's different. Pansexual people fall in love regardless of gender, they are like blind to gender but omnisexual people aren't blind to gender and they have a preference.

I could fall in love with basically everybody but I mainly fall for girls. They are typically my type but like a guy, a non-binary person and others don't bother me and I can still find myself surprised by falling in love with them.

It's complicated but even if Blake my friend helped me come up with that term, I do my research you know? Yeah, I try to understand what it is and explore too.

It's not new that I like other people than just guys. I've known since I had this huge crush on a beautiful girl on tv. Celebrity crush! Yeah, no. That was the summer before I turned 13.

Everyone still thinks I'm a lesbian. Like damn, I can like guys you know? Call me clinched, but I happened to have a crush last year when we first started high school on Maverick Campbell. What? He was hot and he still is. Actually, now that he's grown a few inches he's even more attractive.

I even had a crush on Blake my friend when I first met him last year. Through, I know he's intersex which changes things. Oh well, he identifies himself as a guy so it still counts!

Oh! My first kiss was with my best friend Parker in 7th grade. That was a hilarious round.

Botherline, I can like guys just like I can like girls or whoever else!

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