Meet Dakota Koval

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Dakota's pov

It's Monday today and it started miserably but everything changed with everything that happened earlier.

It wasn't the best but I got to see my love even if it was in secret. Which teenager doesn't like being with their love? It's so rare to see them I swear.

Regardless, my love is far from what I do overall in life, unfortunately. I only see them once every blue mood. I'm exaggerating but yeah. We're dating in secret. No one knows and no one knows we know each other. It hurts but I have to accept my love's decision.

So, what kind of life do I have when I'm not with them? Lots! Ok, I'm kidding.

I have no friends unfortunately but that's normal.

No one understands me anyway. I'm so different. It's not my looks or what I identify as. It's what I like and where I come from.

I'm a nerd but not a nerd, nerd, oddly enough. I love learning new stuff and books, oh books! I like drama.

Ok, ok who I am really? Who's this crazy alien psycho? Well, I'm not known exactly but my name is Dakota Koval and I'm mostly kkoke for being the transfer girl aka Ukrainian girl.

Yes, Ukraine. I come from Ukraine. Last year, I had to flee Ukraine with my family due to the war.

It still hunts me and it's traumatizing but I've been coping. It's been a year. I miss home but after a year being here in America, I actually enjoy it.

I grew to enjoy America. America is so interesting and people from here too. It's such a different lifestyle from home but I like it. It's interesting and different.

There's so much knowledge here to learn and it's so cool. Even though it seems like new people aren't welcome here or LGBTQ+ friendly here, it's way better than back home. I feel safe here which is important.

Through, I prefer talking about the teenage part. Being a teenager in America is way better and filled with drama! It's crazy, back home everything was so dull.

Even though I experimented with stuff since I moved here last year, I haven't had the full experience. I have no friends.

They can't say it's because I only talk Ukrainian. Yeah, no I'm good at English. Back home we learned English and I watched Metube videos in English. So, I speak well in English despite my accent.

I'll admit that it was quite a cultural shock when I first came and had to learn the slang and get used to the American accent but it's fine overall.

I mentioned I was a nerd. It's true but not the nerd the others see me as. It's not my fault I'm so much better in school because the school system in America is mediocre. The academic side. It's inferior compared to Ukraine.

We learn so much more stuff for instance, how on earth Americans are so bad at Geography. It's easy! Even if it is, they don't even know where Ukraine is. Sad, very pathetic.

Ok, ok now I sound mean. I criticize others but in reality, I wish I could make friends. I have Kilian but they don't want to be near me in public. Ok, I have a twin sister too, Emily but she would rather not be near me either. She already made her American friends and she has a boyfriend.

I could try to make some friends but the truth is that the others are so different. They wouldn't get me as Kilian does.

There are multiple reasons for that. For instance, I've been recently diagnosed with ADHD. It has definitely been affecting me a lot. I'm always hyperactive, but sometimes I lack attention and lose focus. That's why I say I'm not the typical nerd but I'm sure I'm smart regardless.

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