Update on ships development first part

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As the episodes about the 10 different ships is completed here is the official reveal of what has been going on and what's really going on with every ships. By the way, the special episode of Rochester Day comes after as I'm sure you're all dying to know what's going on with the ships first.

Maverick+Charlie= #Caverick

As we last heard, Maverick and Charlie are secretly dating but how's that going?

At first, dating in secret was hard but it wasn't that bad. Maverick and Charlie got used to it even if they couldn't talk to each other at school and that sucked a lot.

Despite the hard times, those two pulled through. Even if Maverick had previously announced his breakup with Makayla and still was seen as gay, he eventually managed to try to showcase he was fixing his mistake and was definitely just a straight guy

In the beginning, his parents didn't believe him, especially because he broke up with Makayla but Maverick made them understand that it was better like that because their reputation together was ruined.

Then, as time went on, his parents started to believe him when he was back to basketball but they never knew the truth that lay beneath.

People find it odd that Maverick isn't dating a girl again but they think it's because it's related to that night. Other than that, they don't ask questions as the school started believing Maverick kissing Charlie was just a drunk mistake and that he's definitely straight.

As for Charlie, seeing what Maverick did must be a mistake and that he's straight, the blame ends up still being put on Charlie. Charlie finds it hurtful and he has asked for comfort from Maverick multiple times. Maverick doesn't like that Charlie is treated like that but he knows he can't come out.

So, two months later, they are both still dating in secret and they still don't know if they'll ever come out.

As for the friend's situation, Charlie's friends knew he was dating Maverick and even hung up with him.

Through this, the secret and truth got revealed to a few more friends as they are now a big secret group of friends all supporting each other.

This leads to Makayla and Emery, are they a part of that friend group?

Makayla+Emery= #Eakayla

Last time, Makayla wanted to make everything perfect again and ignoring Emery Blackwell was one of her plans but despite it, she ends up kissing Emery in a bathroom and gets put in a difficult predicament.

Emery had given her the choice of either continuing which would lead to losing the chance of dating Emery or dating Emery and standing up for herself.

Makyala guilty did indeed go back to Emery on that Thursday and gave her decision, though she tried to negotiate with Emery. She wanted to date Emery but wanted to keep things dating in secret until she was ready to stand up against her mom and the world. Despite it all, Emery agreed, so they started dating in secret.

To this day, they remain dating in secret and even if Emery tries to be the understanding girlfriend she doesn't like that Makayla isn't following her promise.

Regardless, in their beginnings, Emery made sure to reduce Makayla's toxic grasp on her as much as possible.

Thanks to Kilian, she managed to get rid of the tracker on Makayla's phone and regarding the spying, Emery found later a surprising way to reduce the violation of privacy Makayla's mom had on her.

She asked someone to help her and his name is actually Ethan. She knew Ethan was rebellious but Ethan decided to reveal that he was rich. Thanks to that, Emery asked him a favour to ask for guards that could prevent Makayla's mom's minions from seeing anything. Ethan surprisingly agreed.

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