Chapter 13: Welcome to the pack

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Draco shut his computer and went over to the couch where Lily was sleeping.

"Lily? It's time to go home." He said.

She opened her eyes and sat up to stretch.

"I suppose you're right. Teddy will be there soon. Do you think Sam will be mad at me?"

Draco laughs. "No, he is not mad."

"How do you know that, Mr. Malfoy?" She was suspicious.

"Ceddy-kids call me through the internet thingy you showed me, and I talked and saw your boyfriend. You know I'm straight, but good for you. He is quite manly." He chuckled

"You talked to him?! Was he ok? I'm didn't mean to hurt him!" Lily panicked.

"Yes, I talked to him. He was scared you believed that slut. I explained that you needed to cool down and that you would be home soon." Draco put his arm around her.

"Ok. Well, I will head out then." She said

"I told him I was bringing you back. So I will be doing the apperating." Draco said.

She grabbed his arm, and they were back in La Push.

"You wanna come in and wait to see your cousin?" She asked

"Sure, that sounds great. I got nothing else to do besides go home to an empty house." He said with a sigh.

"Why do you even go back? There is nothing left for you there. Your father won't speak to you, and your mother doesn't care about anything that isn't about spending money. You should move here. I can even make you a room here until you find your own place! You could work with guys as a protector of the land. You can transform in a wolf, too. You would fit right in!" She was practically pleading at the end.

"I know you are right, Lily. I would love to be closer to you. You are all I have left now. But I don't want to make things weird with your new boyfriend. We will ask him what he thinks, ok." Draco said.

"Ok. Here he comes now!" She points to the truck coming down the driveway.

Sam barely throws the truck in park before he runs out of it.

"Lily! I'm so so sorry. She was lying,
I swear. We haven't been together since right before I woke you up." Sam was rambling.

"Sam! I believe you, I promise. It was just intimidating having her here. Plus, she made me so angry that I almost hurt her, Sam. I don't want you to think of me as a monster." Lily said

"I will never think that. I love you, Lily." Sam wrapped his arms around her.

"I love you too, Sam." She leaned up and kissed him.

"Teddy should be here soon. However, I wanted to talk to you about something." She said

"Whatever it is, the answer is yes." Sam said eagerly.

"No, Sam, you don't need to just give in because you don't want to lose me. You need to be comfortable, too." She pulled him over to the house.

"Sam, meet Draco. Draco is my best friend and non blood relative brother. I was wondering if Draco could stay with us for a while. He is looking for a place nearby. He can also transform into a wolf like myself, and he could maybe be part of the pack." She looked at him, waiting for an answer.

"Draco, what do you think about vampires?" He asked

"Merlin! Put me in the hot seat, why don't you. I'm sorry, Lily. I can be cordial, but I hate the bloody things." Draco said

"Welcome to the pack, Draco." Sam said with his hand out to shake.

"Thanks, mate. I am happy to be here." He shakes Sam's hand.

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