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It's been a few weeks since the ballet practice and I haven't heard from her at all in those weeks, she hasn't looked my way, she hasn't sat with us and we try speaking to her but she doesn't listen.

When I woke up she was gone, my brother came into my room and shouted at me, he blamed me for everything and he started to comment on many things and now he doesn't sit with us anymore. He quit the football team that day.

It's coming to the end of pe and my head is pounding and the surroundings are spinning quite fast. I look over at Karen who is walking with Juliette up the field. The two are now dating and I am happy for them.

I sigh and carry on walking up to the changing rooms with the rest of the girls following behind. Soon enough, we all reach the changing rooms and I sit down on the bench whilst I get changed.

"Noa?" Karen asks and I hum as she moves closer to me, "You look pale? Is everything okay?"

"Just a little lightheaded, I'm okay." I give her a reassuring smile and she returns one before going back to getting changed.

I finish getting dressed quite quickly and I look at my phone and see a message from Zara that was sent three minutes ago, she's in the other changing room.

Zara: Hey Noa, can we talk? We really need to talk.

A wave of happiness came through me and I smiled quite wide and I quickly typed a reply.

Of course, I'll be in the hall.

I remember her saying to me a while ago that she doesn't like talking to people in private in the changing rooms or around them because there are people either having sex or trying to listen in. It's true and I don't blame her. Plus, it also stinks of sweat and all of that.

I slide my phone back into my pocket as the bell soon rings through the school, telling us all it's break.



Juliette sits beside me like usual and Karen is across from us, I have no idea what's going on but none of us have seen Noa yet and it's been ten minutes since break started. We've looked down in art and she's not there, we've looked everywhere she could possibly be but there is no sign of her.

"She won't answer her phone." Karen sighs as she looks down at her phone for the hundredth time in the past five minutes.

"I'm going to go look again," Daisy says who is somehow on this table and she goes outside to look for her. We are all worried and even Caden is here, he refuses to speak to me.

"I'm going to go look in the changing rooms," I say and Karen nods as she and Juliette go look around classrooms and some of the cheer team go to ask teachers if they have seen her.

I stand up and head down the hallway towards the pe changing rooms. My heart is racing, I don't know why but it's feeling like it will burst any second now and my hands are sweating by my side due to nerves. Please be okay.

My pace quickens as I rush down the hallways, turn corners and run my fingers through my hair to calm myself once I reach the doors of the changing rooms.

Once I stand in front of the door that leads into hers, I take a deep breath and walk inside.

"Noa?" I call out as I walk inside, my eyes scanning the place for any sight of her. They land on her bag that is sitting on the bench where I imagine she would be. If her bag is here, she must be, "Noa?"

I turn and look over to the bathroom area and walk over, she's nowhere and my heart is just beating faster with each second.

Turning to look in the mirror, I notice a shadow under the door of the farthest stall and raise a brow. Nobody is supposed to be in here, and it doesn't seem like they are sitting on the toilet. I can see the end of the blazer sticking out from under the door.

My heart dropped and I quickly went to the door, knocking multiple times to see if the person inside would move but there was nothing.

"Shit." I whisper as I push on the door but it's locked, "Hello?"

No answer.

There's no answer for around two minutes of asking to see if there's a response and I then take a pin from my hair and start moving it around in the handle of the door until I heard a click and another and then I gently push the door open.

My heart sank into my stomach which twisted and I looked at the girl unconscious on the floor. She is sitting with her back against the wall of the stall, her body fallen over a little and my heart stopped for a split second.

"Noa. Noa, shit Noa come on." I whisper as I gently shake her, "Wake up, god please wake up."

The tears burn my eyes and I see her chest rise and fall slowly, she's breathing. Thank god, she's breathing.

I gently shake her once again before going into my bag and pick out the water, I take out my pe socks and rush to the sink and let them soak in cold water and rinse the water out so it's not dripping before going back to the girl. I carefully place one of the socks on her forehead and the other behind her neck. I was told it's supposed to help.

While gently shaking her and whispering her name along with the coldness of the wet socks on her, I wait for her to wake up with tears falling down my cheeks.

After ten minutes she groans and I look down at her and pull her closer.

"Noa, hey it's okay," I whisper to her and she looks at me and smiles weakly, she's still weak, very weak but she still manages to smile.

"I've dreamt of being in your arms again. Please don't let me go, don't let me go again. And I want you to know that I can't stand whatever this is between us. I miss you." She whispers after a minute of silence due to her waking up from being unconscious.

"I'll hold on for as long as we need, I'm right here for you. I miss you too, Noa." I smile down at the girl who looks at me with a soft look.

And then she smiles, and when she does I feel my heart skip a beat and I can't help but smile back at her.

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