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The hall is very busy and I walk down towards the table and Karen smiles at me and Juliette smiles also. My eyes move to Zara who was slumped against the table with her head in her arms lowered on the table and I chuckle and take a seat beside her.

"Moody much." I laugh and she intertwines her fingers with mine under the table and I smile and she turns her head to face me and I lower my head to look at her too, "What's the matter?"

"Class was shit." She whispers and I sigh and she hums and her eyes lock with mine until I lift my head back up once someone says my name.

I look over at Quinn who is speaking to me and she slides the piece of paper over to me and I read what's said on it.

Meet in field at lunch

Zara also read this note, she lifts her head and reads it and then get out a pencil and wrote a reply.

For cheer sure.

She slides the paper back and I look at the blonde who looks back at me and her tongue runs over her lower lip and she then smiles and I smile.

"Oh my god my feet are murdering me." She groans and all eyes were on her, "Don't do ballet unless you want to suffer."

"I'm not planning on doing ballet." Juliette laughs and her best friend throws her a glare and I chuckle at her act. She then turns to me and I hum and move closer to tease her till our heads are inches apart her eyes were on my lips immediately as we got closer and closer until looked at the wall.

Someone has Daisy up against the wall, a hand around her neck and she looks like she's in pain.

I quickly stand up and rush over, nobody can see what's going on due to them being. behind a separate wall in the corner but I saw it somehow.

I punch the guy and she gasps as he lets go of her and she looks pale. I then punch him again and kick him where I know it will hurt and then sigh.

"He wanted the answers to homework and all tests but I said no and that happened," Daisy explains, I nod as she disappears back to the table and Zara appears behind me.

"Who are we beating up?" She asks and I look at the boy in front, she hums and walks over and holds him up from his arms and I punch him and he groans in pain.

"Stop trying to cheat on shot there's no point, if she doesn't give you answers you don't need to hurt her for it," I say and he nods quickly and then Zara kicks him in the back and I slap his face and she drops him onto the floor as her eyes were on me.

She smiles and I smile back at her as the boy quickly runs out of the space with blood on his face. The girl took me by my waist and pulls me into a kiss just for a few seconds until she walks away with a smile and I head out of the door at the side.

The air hit me quickly and I notice my brother playing football down on the field, I see he is back on the team.

I walk down to him and take a seat on the bench and watch, the boys look confused to see me at first but continue with their game anyway.

I go into my bag and take out my book and start reading to pass time. It didn't take long for the bell to ring and I climb up from the bench and put the book back into my bag, I had fifteen minutes of reading so I am quite calm.

Whilst walking to Art, I feel a pair of eyes on me and I look over my shoulder and my brother is watching me and I walk a little quicker as I rush down the stairs.

He follows me down and I sigh and wait for him.

"Making sure you get to class safe." He tells and I scoff and see my classroom, "Have a good lesson."

"Okay." I groan and head through the set of doors and smile at Mrs. Dawson and then see a few people already inside. No sight of Blondie though.

I take my seat at the back of the class and Mrs Dawson walks over to me.

"Welcome back, we are doing group work which involves a partner and you have to paint a portrait of them without the other person knowing." The woman explains and I nod as she gave me a notebook, "For now until you get your image, just sketch or do anything you'd like."

"Okay, thank you." I smile and she smiles back before returning to her seat and I take out a pencil and create a thick layer of darkness on the paper.

"Zara Jones, back at last." Mrs Dawson says and I look over at the blonde who is having a conversation with the teacher and then go back down to the notepad. I create white dots with the pen and then add a moon along with some forest at the bottom of it.

The image as a whole took ten minutes to complete and the two were speaking for ten minutes, so when I finished, Zara was already walking up to me.

"Move." She groans at the person who is sitting beside me and they quickly leave their seat and go sit somewhere else. Zara then sits down and I look at her.

"That was rude." I chuckle and she smiles at me, she smiles whenever she sees me it's adorable.

"No, he would understand." She answers and I shrug and rip out the page in the notebook and give it over to her. She opens it up and smiles, "Copying my style I see?"

"No, just drawing your favourite thing," I respond and she raises a brow.

"I don't see you on here, you must've had a mix-up." She laughs and I roll my eyes and she takes out her pencil and writes at the top.

Carter's Stars (Drawn by Carter)

"That's better."

𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐘 || 𝐆𝐗𝐆 || जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें