01 '𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝑷𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆s'

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The captain, with his long hair and beard, looks at Y/n with disappointment, "Can't you even do your job right?" he grumbles, his old age and imposing presence weighing heavily in the room.

The rain poured down further rumbled as the man's face twisted with anger, scolding the girl on the ship for not doing her job correctly.

The man's face contorts with fury as he shouts, "Where is the treasure that you should be bringing back here?!!. Didn't I tell you if you come back empty-handed within twenty-four hours, you'll face punishment??"

The girl's voice trembles with tears as she cries out, "Wait, I don't get it! I'm not your only crew here, Captain Boone!, why do you always blame me while others relax on the ship?, they're not pulling their weight either!, and I'm exhausted" 

She felt weak for being awake day and night, The poor girl toils tirelessly for her uncle, barely having a meal a day. Her parents perished in a battle with pirates when she was three, and her uncle took her in. Sadly, he hasn't treated her well. She's only eleven and already working so hard.

The girl's face pales and her eyes grow weary as she utters, "I'm hungry." the girl wrapped her arms around her stomach and fell on her knees, she appears sickly and weak from lack of nourishment

The Captain's gaze softens with a hint of pity as he looks at her, remembering their familial bond. He sternly reminds her, "I told you to do your job properly if you want to survive" he mumbled,

The captain walks around her, his gaze fixed on her. He suddenly stops and turns his head, saying, "Fine..you?" He points to a man and orders him to give her a meal, but not to let her get too full because she still has lessons to learn.

As time passed, the girl blossomed into a fierce warrior. At the age of 15, she honed her fighting skills and embarked on thrilling adventures in search of treasure. With her swift hands and nimble feet, she can take down multiple pirates in a blink of an eye. But there be a conflict in her heart, for her uncle holds an emotional bond that tugs at her, making it hard to leave his ship. He be her only family, ye see. The call of adventure clashes with the ties that bind, making her torn between freedom and loyalty. She may have been treated poorly, but she's got a heart of gold. She can't bring herself to leave the crew. She's even thinking of forgiving her uncle, Since she's skilled survivor, she can feast on stolen grub from other pirate ships and still follow her uncle's orders. She's a true pirate through and through.

At the age of 19, as she made her way back to the ship, a glimmer of excitement danced in her eyes. Clutched tightly in her hands was a bag overflowing with treasure, a testament to her triumph. The weight of her success was almost unimaginable, and sense of pride welled up within her, No longer would she be a disappointment to her uncle. With a renewed determination, she set sail, ready to embrace the future and leave behind the shadows of her past.

As she returned to the ship, she felt a wave of confusion and surprise as she discovered that the ship was completely empty. She wondered if her crewmates were inside the cabin. But then, the ship was thrown into chaos as enemy pirate ships bombarded it with relentless attacks, making it too perilous for her to escape. She sought shelter under a table, shielding herself from the raid. Suddenly, a stranger forcefully grabbed her and whisked her away. "Captain Phalyn, What shall we do with this young lady?" the man asked, her hands were firmly held together by the man behind her back, restricting her movement.

The plump old lady peered closely at her, examining her face and body with a curious hum. "You must be Boone's niece! I can't believe you're still alive," she chuckled in an eccentric manner. "It's quiet a surprise to finally meet you here."

"Where's my uncle? What did you do to him and to my crew!" She shouted, her voice filled with anger. "Why are you asking me that question, Shouldn't I be the one asking you? Boone and I made a promise a year ago, and he hasn't given that thing back to me yet!" She ranted, getting real close to her face.

"What thing??, tell me what's the thing he hasn't given you back yet?!" Y/n shouted angrily, demanding an answer,  But the old lady seemed unbothered, ignoring her question.

"Throw her to the sea" the female pirate captain ordered, then turned away.

"NO!" Y/n resisted fiercely, banging her head against holding her, He screamed in pain, rubbing head. Y/n attempted to fight the captain, but the captain proved to be much stronger than she anticipated. With a powerful kick to her stomach, she coughed up blood, unable to withstand the pain any longer. Her anger burned within her, refusing to give up the fight. However, the captain unleashed her devil fruit power, erasing all of Y/n's memories and fighting skills. Y/n lost her consciousness and was tossed into the sea, the water splashing as she slowly sank. The evil pirate laughed loudly, satisfied with her cruel actions.

An hour later, as Y/n floated in the sea, the sunlight her face. She had chapped lips and looked pale. She was still near her ruined ship.

A young boy in a straw hat yawned after waking up from his nap "Are we there yet, Nami?" he asked loudly. "No, we're too far away, we just came off, you idiot" she responded, annoyed. Luffy gave a heavy sigh "I wonder what can we do to get rid of this boredom", he said.

"Hey guys! Look over there! I can see a body floating next to that pirate ship!" a young man in dark brown overalls outfit shouted, using his monocular.

"What? A body?" Luffy asked, curious and confused.

"Seems like a girl" Ussop said,

"Nami, get this ship over there and let's check if she's still alive or not" Luffy ordered. "Okay!" Nami followed his command, turning the helm.

"Woah, look at her. I hope she's still alive" Ussop said. In just a second, a splash of water was heard as the blonde haired boy jumped into the water to bring her back to their ship.

The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficWhere stories live. Discover now