16 '𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒊 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒎'

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"Hey Nami, Could you--"

"—No" Nami firmly interrupted, determined not to assist. Luffy, undeterred, approached her and discreetly guided her to a secluded location away from prying ears.

As Sanji, Y/n, Zoro, and Usopp were left behind, Usopp seemed visibly anxious, almost as if he shared Y/n's concern about whether Luffy would be able to convince Nami to lend a helping hand. The atmosphere grew tense as everyone eagerly awaited the outcome of this crucial moment, wondering what would unfold next.

Luffy, with a determined look in his eyes, urged Nami to reconsider. "C'mon Nami, I know you don't trust her, but she lost her memory. We should help her. We're a crew, after all, and we look out for each other."

Nami, still hesitant, replied, "I understand, but it's hard for me to forget what her crew did in the past. It's complicated, you know?"

Luffy nodded understandingly and responded, "Yeah, I get it. But as a crew, we have a bond, and we should support each other, even when things get complicated."

Nami voiced her concern, "Alright, but what if she betrays us?"

Luffy reassured her, "I promise, if she does anything wrong, I'll take full responsibility. Let's help her find her way."

Nami hesitated, meeting Luffy's gaze. After a brief pause, she relented, saying, "Alright, fine. I'll help her with the map, but don't expect me to forget everything she's done." Luffy's persuasive words finally convinced her.

After their heartfelt conversation, Luffy returned to the crew, accompanied by Nami. The crew's faces were filled with a mix of anxiety and intensity, unsure of what to expect.

Luffy, brimming with excitement, exclaimed, "Alright guys! I told you, I have skills of convincing someone. Here she goes, ready to help Y/n!"

The news brought a wave of relief and joy, as everyone's faces lit up.

Usopp couldn't contain his amazement and chimed in, "No way, Luffy! You actually convinced Nami to help Y/n, even though they don't get along? That's some serious persuasive skills!"

Nami clarified, "Don't get the wrong idea, it's not because I suddenly like her or anything. It's just for the sake of the crew."

Her words carried a mix of determination and a hint of vulnerability. Luffy, always enthusiastic, couldn't contain his excitement and exclaimed, "Another adventure came along our way while we were looking for the pirates who stole her memories! This is so exciting!" The anticipation of a new journey filled the air, igniting a sense of thrill among the crew.


As the crew prepared for the adventure, Nami took charge at the helm, confidently steering the ship while holding a map.

Meanwhile, you were fully engrossed in the journey, eager to reach the destination as quickly as possible. However, amidst your excitement, you found it hard to concentrate.

Your mind was preoccupied with the desire to know yourself better. You, Sanji, and Zoro onboard, as you were standing between them, You couldn't help but notice Sanji was stealing glances at you every second, while Zoro giving you quick looks in your direction time to time.

You mustered the courage to speak up, adressing Sanji and Zoro, "Um, excuse me, guys,  is there something on my face? I noticed you guys have been looking at me and it's making me feel a bit uncomfortable,"

Sanji, in his charming British accent, playfully responded, eyes fixed on you "Can't help but be mesmerized by your beauty."'

Zoro, on the other hand, avoiding eye contact and said, "I wasn't looking at you"

You stood your ground and darted your eyes suspiciously between Zoro and Sanji, trying to make sense to their reasons.

As you stood there, waiting to arrive at the island, the atmosphere was serene. The quietness allowed you to hear the gentle breeze caressing your face, the soothing sound of the waves beneath the ship, and the distant calls of seagulls in the sky. Suddenly, you felt a presence drawing nearer with each passing minute, until their arm finally brushed against your skin. You glanced over and noticed Sanji next to you, his elbows resting on the ship's railing, lost in his gaze upon the vast sea. It seemed like he either didn't realize or did it on purpose.

As you gazed at the side of his face, time seemed to stand still. The breeze gently tousled his hair, while his unwavering focus remained on the sea. You couldn't help but admire the contours of his face, from his eyes to his nose and lips, even noticing his ears turning red from the chilly air.

Even though you were already feeling conflicted by him, you couldn't help but feel your heart flutter again at the sight of his captivating profile.

Without turning his head, his eyes suddenly shifted towards you, and in his British accent, he questioned, "You said not to look, but why are you staring at me now?"

You blushed, caught off guard, as you realized you had been observing his face.

"N-nothing, just lost in thought." you stuttered

A smile spread across his face, accompanied by a twinkle in his eyes. "Do you like me?" he playfully asked, causing your cheeks to flush a deep shade of red.

"What? N-no way! I could never be into a guy who's always chasing after other girls!"

He shrugged and admitted, "Well, I do tend to pursue a lot of women, but I never actually have time to date any of them. I'm too busy searching for the All Blue. Nami was the closest one, since we're on the same team, but I couldn't win her over. It's like I'm just not her type."

Zoro snorted skeptically, as if he couldn't believe what Sanji was saying, "He's just a terrible flirt, no doubt about it."

His smirk grew wider as he added, "But you know what's funny? He's a clueless flirt, always going after girls who are already taken"

"What? Seriously?" You couldn't help but stifle laughter when you realized Sanji was absolutely terrible at flirting with girls.

"Girls flirt back but reject him afterwards," he added. You chuckled shyly at Zoro's playful banter about Sanji. But as you laughed, Zoro smiled, his eyes sparkling, as if he found more joy in seeing you laugh than in teasing Sanji.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's so funny about that?" Sanji felt confused as they made fun of him.

Zoro stays cool, ignores Sanji's question, and gives him a side smirk, leaving him even more confused.

But then, just as Zoro disappeared, out of nowhere, the rain started lightly pouring down and the clouds unexpectedly darkened. That quickly dampened your joy.

You and Sanji looked up, surprised. Worried about the heavy rain, you hurried to find shelter. Finally finding cover, your heart suddenly started racing, feeling like a heart attack, until Sanji noticed your struggle to breathe.

"Y/n!" he called out your name, his voice trembling with worry, as he tightly grasped your arms.

"S-Sanji," you stammered, your voice filled with a mix of confusion and distress.

"I'm here, what's wrong?" His concerned gaze met yours, as you struggled to find the words.

"I don't know," you whispered, your voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "The rain... I suddenly feel overwhelmed with emotions as if the rain triggers something within me." Tears welled up in your eyes, cascading down your cheeks, as if your emotions had reached a breaking point, pouring out uncontrollably.

As Sanji stood before you, a wave of emotions surged through your heart. Overwhelmed by the intensity of your feelings, you found yourself instinctively reaching out, gripping his shirt tightly against his chest.

Tears streamed down your face as you sought solace in his presence. Though he may have been clueless about the cause of your distress, Sanji responded with tenderness. He gently patted your back, offering comfort, embracing you warmly as you held onto his shirt tightly against his chest.

The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficWhere stories live. Discover now