07 '𝑪𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝑷𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒏 & 𝒀/𝒏'𝒔 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔

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Kaya asked worriedly, "Really?, What's the matter?" Sanji explained the situation, and Kaya seemed to understand. As everyone shared their stories, you couldn't always relate, but you enjoyed listening and learning about their lives.

Finally, Luffy told Kaya about the team's journey before reaching the Gecko Islands, including the ship's damage. Kaya expressed her sympathy and said, "I'm so sorry to hear that, but I wasn't surprised that you all survived the fight. I had confidence in your victory." She smiled warmly.

"But about the ship, that ship was very dear to me. I presented it to you to protect our island," she said in a sweet tone of voice, "You managed to prevent the bad pirates from entering and destroying our island, so I will help you to rebuild the ship. You can stay in my mansion for a shelter as a reward until the ship is rebuilt."

"Really?!" Luffy and Ussop exclaimed, their excitement evident in their voices.

"Yes, as long as you're comfortable in my place, I will let you stay here for a while" Kaya said, "I've got you some rooms to sleep. All of you will have individual rooms if you like."

Luffy and Ussop looked at each other and smiled in excitement. Even Nami and Zoro couldn't resist smiling with them. As you glanced at Sanji, his eyes shifted to you. you felt a flutter in your chest and warmth spread through you. You couldn't help but smile and laugh together with him.

"Merry, please show them their rooms for me" Kaya ordered. "As you like, Miss Kaya," he responded respectfully, bowing to his Mistress.

As you all hung out in the garden, you couldn't help but be amazed by how beautifully it was set. The crew was so loud and happy, playing with something. But then, it suddenly got quiet and everyone looked bored.

"This mansion is so huge but it actually makes you feel lonely sometimes" Luffy said, breaking the silence, You nodded in agreement, understanding the feeling.

"hmm, Do you guys wanna go out for a while?" Ussop suggested. Your eyes lit up at the idea of exploring Ussop's hometown and the fun things too there.

"I see, then we'll find out Ussop's weird hobbies as a child" Zoro teased, making you all laugh and adding an exciting anticipation to the adventure.


As you walked through the crowd with the crew, following Ussop as he showed the group everything he knew, you noticed a tall, intimidating woman with her men walking in the opposite direction. There was something strangely familiar about them, and it gave you a weird feeling.

But then, as the woman passed by, your skin accidentally touched, and a rush of memories flooded your mind. You saw a blurry vision of her, with similar features, and then it shifted to a scene of yourself falling into water. It quickly changed again, and you saw yourself wielding a pirate sword, seemingly involved in a violent act. It was all so confusing, and you couldn't be sure if those were your own memories or someone else's.

The encounter left you feeling unsettled, and you couldn't shake the unease that lingered in your thoughts.

Your head was throbbing with pain as those memories flooded your mind. But to your surprise, the woman seemed to sense that some of your memories had transferred back to you through her power. She turned to you, her eyes filled with recognition and anger.

"You! You're still alive!" she exclaimed, her eyebrows raised in disbelief. "Didn't I throw you into the water? How did you survive, Y/n?" You were in shock and couldn't find the words to respond.

Meanwhile, your friends noticed that you had been left behind and were a bit confused about what was happening. They stood a little distance away, not wanting to interrupt your conversations.

The woman, who appeared to be in her forties, seemed preoccupied with something else. She started to laugh in a strange and unsettling manner. "How lucky you are right now, Y/n," she smirked, her words sending a chill down your spine.

"Sadly, I don't have time with you in this wonderful place, but I'll make sure to meet you again and you should prepare to meet your demise! " she whispered and cackled as she threatened you, "Bye, bye, Y/n..I'll see you next time" she said.

Her chilling words echoed in your mind as she whispered, threatening you with a smirk, you were left shocked, sweating, and feeling weak. Your body slowly gave in, and you fainted on the ground as she vanished from sight.

Sanji, always the protective one, hurried over to you with deep concern in his eyes. He swiftly scooped you up and carried you back to the mansion. The rest of the crew followed closely behind, their worried expressions visible.

When you arrived in the bedroom, Sanji gently laid you down on the bed, and the crew gathered around, waiting anxiously for you to regain consciousness. They stayed by your side, offering their support and waiting for you to wake up.


In your dream, you found myself on a ship, hearing a male voice shouting a name. Curious, You followed the sound and discovered an old man on the deck. He called out to you. "Y/n" his voice echoed around and he kneeled down to match your size, holding your arms. You and the man had a brief encounter, but the dream abruptly ended as darkness enveloped everything.


Your eyes fluttered open as you woke up, finding yourself in bed with everyone around you. Nami, arms crossed, leaned against the wall. When you tried to sit up, your head throbbed, causing you to moan in pain. The crew noticed and rushed to check on you.

"Does it hurt a lot?" the man in the straw hat asked, concern evident in his voice. "Water! Give her some water, please!" Sanji shouted. Ussop quickly fetched water and brought it to you. You gratefully took it and gulped it down without stopping. "Wow! You're really thirsty!"

You gulped down the water and let out a relieved breath. "Okay, how do you feel now?" Sanji asked, concerned. You took a moment to collect your thoughts before responding.

"I don't know, I'm feeling kinda strange," you said, furrowing your brow. Sanji looked puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I just remembered something when I saw that woman," you explained, further confusing them. Zoro chimed in, "Are you talking about that big woman we saw in the market?" You nodded. "I feel like I've seen her before, but the memory is hazy."

You got them thinking about how they could help you. Luffy hummed, deep in thought. "What if... let's find that woman and ask her about Cora-"

"--Y/n," you interjected, correcting him. Luffy tilted his head, questioning. "My name is Y/n, not Cora," you confidently stated. "I had a dream where a man called me that name, and it's the same name the woman called me in the market."

"So she called you by a different name? She must have known about you," Sanji commented. "She could be one of your former crewmates or even your enemy," he speculated.

Your brain can't handle the strain of trying to remember who she was. Panic sets in as you recall the threat she made. Sanji rushes to your side, holding your shoulders to comfort you. "It's okay, Y/n, we've got your back," he assures, understanding your fear whenever that woman is mentioned. They now have a clue to help you recover your memories.

"Yeah, it seems like they're pirates too. Let's find them and uncover the truth!" Luffy shouts with confidence. "Back to the adventure! No one can defeat us because we're the Straw Hat Pirates!"

The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficWhere stories live. Discover now