17 '𝒀/𝒏'𝒔 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝑺𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓'

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Sanji's POV

As I held onto y/n tightly, the sound of rain splattered around us, creating a soothing ambiance. I stood there, motionless, allowing her to release all her pent-up emotions.

Finally, as she started to calm down, I gently called out her name, "Y/n." My voice was soft and comforting. "Let's go back inside, it's getting cold out here,"

We walked into the cabin, and I helped her sit in the corner. "I know it might be uncomfortable for you to talk about your feelings, but I want you to know that I'm here to support you," I reassured her.

She nodded and replied, "Thank you, Sanji."

I took off my coat and gave it to her. She was shivering, and since I have a warm body, the coat could help her feel cozy.

I sat next to her, knowing I should stay quiet until she felt comfortable to speak up. I intertwined my hands and rested them on my knees while I thought.

I never saw her cry before, so it shattered my heart when I witnessed her tears flowing in front of me. Seeing her experience a panic attack filled me with deep concern. Thankfully, she's doing better now. As I gaze at her face, I can tell she's lost in thought, her gaze fixed straight ahead.

I can't help but wonder what caused her panic attack right after the rain poured down on us. It's puzzling to see such a strong reaction to the rain.

An hour passed in complete silence, with only the sound of rain hitting the ship's roof. I couldn't feel her presence until I suddenly felt a warm weight on my shoulder. When I turned my head, I saw Y/n's head resting on my shoulder, fast asleep.

My heart raced with surprise as I saw her peacefully sleeping on my shoulder, and it felt different. It wasn't just her beauty, but something more. My heart felt like it was about to burst.

I couldn't move, feeling numbness creeping in.

Sanji, do something, do something.

My arm is tingling....

I don't want to wake her up.

Her head started to lose balance on my shoulder.

As I tried to adjust my arm, I carefully supported her head to prevent it from falling. With a gentle touch, I placed her head back on my shoulder, wrapping my right arm around her shoulders.

It's such a comforting feeling when I hold her close and her head rests against my neck and chin. It feels amazing.

Suddenly, I felt a rush of warmth in my face. Is this what they call..blushing?

My heart usually races around girls, but with her, it's a whole new feeling I've never experienced before.

Her movements caught me off guard as she adjusted herself while sleeping on me. Suddenly, she started groaning softly, and I thought I had woken her up.

My arms raised in surprise when she removed my arm from around her...

....and then she laid her head on my lap....using it as a pillow.

She placed her hand on my thigh, making further adjustments to support her head.

Nervously, I ran my fingers through my hair, all the way to the back of my neck, feeling a sense of discomfort.

I couldn't help but gulp, wondering what was happening. I couldn't see her face since she was lying on her side.

In this position, I can't help but feel sleepy. I let out a yawn and leaned my back against the wall, allowing Y/n to rest on my lap.

However, before I drifted off, my gaze was drawn to her arms, with their smooth skin peeking out from my coat. I made sure to adjust the coat to cover her skin, resisting the urge to touch it.

With that taken care of, I closed my eyes and peacefully fell asleep alongside Y/n.


—Second Person POV—

You found comfort as the rain stopped. The overwhelming emotions eased, and you rested in the peaceful stillness. Your breath matched the calm atmosphere, bringing a sense of clarity and tranquility. It was a moment of respite for you to gather your thoughts and find solace.

In your sleep, you were in such a state of comfort, nestled against the soft pillow and wrapped snugly in a warm blanket. As you caressed the pillow, you suddenly felt something unexpected - a knee.

'Wait, a knee??' You thought.

Startled, you jolted awake, realizing that you had been sleeping on Sanji's lap all along. Panic rushed through you, causing you to hurriedly get up, unsure of how to handle the situation.

But as you looked at him, you noticed that he was still peacefully asleep, his back against the wall and arms crossed. Your heart fluttered with a mix of emotions as you watched him slumber, feeling an intense sensation deep within. It was a tingling sensation, a tingling that reminded you of the special connection you shared.

You realized that the warm and comforting blanket you were wrapped in was actually Sanji's coat. The scent of his cologne or fragrance filled the air, instantly recognizable to you as his signature scent. It's a scent that holds a special meaning for you, as it signifies his presence and brings a sense of comfort and familiarity.

His eyes slowly opened, emerging from the depths of sleep. In that moment, his gaze met yours, creating an intense connection. He remained fixed in his position, as if time stood still.

It was like a silent conversation that spoke volumes. The air crackled with anticipation, the unspoken connection growing stronger with each passing moment. Just as the silence became almost unbearable,

Sanji's voice cut through the tension, breaking the spell. "Y/n, do you think there's a chance you'd reconsider and be open to dating someone who enjoys playful and flirtatious interactions?" he sounded serious.

Your cheeks flushed with understanding, realizing that Sanji was referring to himself. The mix of excitement and nervousness lingered as you pondered, if there was genuine seriousness behind his words.

The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon