10 '𝑪𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒍𝒆𝒈'

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Y/n slipped, accidentally pressing Sanji against the wall. Sanji was surprised with an unexpected closeness, while Y/n blushed and felt embarrassed. The contrasting reactions added an extra layer of tension to the unexpected moment.

His gaze fixed on her, her heart racing as she quickly got off him and stuttered, "I-I'm really sorry. It was a bit of a clumsy move on my part. I didn't mean to press you against the wall." she apologized, her cheeks turning a shade of pink as she nervously bit her lip in embarrassment.

Sanji, with a slight smile and his British accent, responded, "No need to apologize, I must admit, being pressed against the wall by you wasn't such a bad experience."

"Just be careful next time, or I might start thinking you did it on purpose," he added with a playful tone, teasingly.

Her shy expression turned into surprise as she exclaimed, "What? I would never do that. You wish!"

"Maybe I do wish," he replied. "Hold on, aren't you forgetting something?" He pointed towards the bathroom, reminding her of her original plan. "Weren't you heading to the bathroom?"

"Oh yeah, totally forgot!" she replied as she snapped, realizing her initial intention.

Sanji couldn't help but smile at her adorable reaction as she walked past him blushing.

As the door was about to be closed, Sanji was still looking at her and gave her a wink. This time, her frowning expression was met with the door being slammed shut, causing Sanji to snort at her cuteness.


In the morning, Y/n woke up to the sound of clanging pots and delicious smells coming from the ship's kitchen. Curious, she headed over to find Sanji hard at work, whipping up a mouthwatering breakfast for the crew. Impressed again by his culinary skills. Sanji caught sight of her and greeted her with a charming smile.

"Good morning, lovely girl. I could use some assistance in creating a culinary masterpiece. Care to join me and add your special touch to the recipe?"

Y/n quickly fixed her hair, trying to look her best in his eyes, but couldn't help blushing as the memory of last night played in her mind. Determined not to let it overwhelm her, she decided to act like nothing happened, especially since Sanji seemed unfazed by the accident.

"But, I don't know how to cook" she said, feeling unsure.

"No worries. I'll guide you, but if it's not your thing, I can handle it myself. Either way, I just want to spend time with you." he assured her, his tone and expression indicating that he genuinely wanted her help.

With a bustling kitchen filled with ingredients and pans, it was clear that he could use some assistance, and she secretly wanted to spend more time with him as well.

"Uhm... okay, I guess I can lend a hand," she said, attempting to mask her true emotions. "But just so you know, it's not like I'm doing it because I have any feelings for you or anything," she added, fabricating her emotions.

Sanji's face lit up, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Sure, I won't assume you're doing it because you like me. I simply need a stunning assistant for a little help," he said, his gaze fixed on her. "Let's have fun cooking together, alright?" he replied playfully, his eyes filled with warmth.

As they worked together in the kitchen, Sanji remained kind and friendly towards the girl, making sure she felt at ease. He reflected on what had happened the previous night and made a conscious effort not to bring it up.

The mouthwatering aroma filled the air, signaling that the food was ready. Sanji woke up the rest of the crew and called out to those who were already awake, inviting everyone to enjoy the delicious meal.

Luffy greeted the crew with a big yawn, "G'morning, everyone!!" His eyes widened in excitement as he caught sight of the mouthwatering food on the table. "Whoa, I'm starving! Thanks a ton for cooking this amazing breakfast, Sanji!"

"No problem, Luffy. Dig in and enjoy!" Sanji replied with a smile. The crew eagerly took their seats, their eyes glued to the scrumptious spread.

"Oh, and guess what? Y/n was actually my cooking partner for today. She was a total rockstar, helping me whip up this mouthwatering meal and setting the table. Let's show some serious appreciation for her amazing help and fantastic serving skills! And of course, she did an amazing job cooking as well!" he exclaimed with excitement.

"Oh, really? Thanks for the meal, Y/n! We truly appreciate it. You did a fantastic job!" Luffy exclaimed with genuine gratitude.

"Yeah, you set the table really well. I love it!" Ussop added, with a big smile on his face.

"I just did a little help, but thank you guys for the compliments!" she replied modestly.

Before the whole crew dug in, Luffy turned to Y/n and said, "But hey Y/n, just a friendly reminder! Sanji really hates it when people waste food, so try not to do that if you don't want him to get angry!"

"Yeah, you better watch out for that waiter's wrath," Zoro added with his usual serious face.

Sanji responded with a hint of frustration, "Seriously, swordsman? How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not just a waiter! I'm a master chef!" He expressed his irritation while emphasizing his culinary skills.

Y/n couldn't help but smile as she learned something new about Sanji. She realized that the friend Sanji was talking about, the one he dislikes being called a "waiter," was actually Zoro. It was funny for her discovering that.

As Y/n stood at the ship's railing, enjoying the refreshing breeze and reflecting on her time with the crew, she couldn't believe how warmly they welcomed her and treated her like a true friend. She cherished their company and was genuinely having a blast with them. Lost in her thoughts, Y/n's attention was suddenly captured by something floating in the sea—a bottle with a mysterious message inside. Filled with curiosity, she reached out and retrieved the bottle, carefully unfolding the letter. The elegant cursive handwriting revealed the words of 'Uncle Boone', signed at the bottom. Y/n's heart raced with anticipation as she delved into the contents of the letter.

(To be Continued!!!)

The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora