23'𝙎𝙮𝙢𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙨'

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You can't help but smile as you hold him close, feeling an amazing sense of joy and completeness. It's like your life wouldn't be the same without him by your side. Your heart races with excitement, cherishing every precious moment together. It's a feeling of pure happiness and contentment, a moment you wish could last forever.

Feeling his gaze upon you, you can't help but sense a mix of emotions in the air. It's a moment of anticipation and confusion as you meet his eyes, knowing that something special is about to be said. With a heartfelt smile, you finally speak up, expressing your admiration and love for him.

"Sanji, sorry for the wait. I just wanted to say you're amazing and I love spending time with you."

As he squints in confusion, trying to process your words, you can sense his bewilderment.

With a reassuring smile, you explained, "Sanji, I said I love you and that's all there is to it," confidently expressing your feelings.

His captivating blue eyes hold your gaze, and as confusion fades from his face, a radiant smile spreads across his lips.

"You love me? Really?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity.

"Ah, wait, wait, wait... So, you're saying that when you said you love me and enjoyed being with me, it was your way of answering my confession? And does that mean... we're officially a thing now?" he asked, a playful glimmer dancing in his eyes, his fingers pointing towards you and him, hinting at something more than just friendship. You confidently nodded, affirming the exciting new chapter between you two.

"Wow! I've been waiting to hear that from you!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement and amazement. Soft chuckles escaped his lips, filling the air with joy. A radiant smile lit up his face, reminiscent of a gleeful child.

"So, now that you've mustered up the courage to confess, does that mean I have permission to make you blush even more?" he said, giving you a playful wink.

Of course, you'll blush at his powerful wink, you heard his snorting chuckle after blushing while avoiding eye contact.

"You cute little girl," he said, and you shot him a fierce look. "I'm not a little girl! Didn't I tell you to stop calling me nicknames?" you exclaimed.

He fired back, "Didn't I tell you I didn't want to?" You let out a deep sigh, "Seriously..."

"Y/n, now that we're officially a thing, why not let me shower you with all the adorable nicknames I can think of?" he playfully suggested.

You couldn't reply back because, deep down, you knew he had a point. Maybe you secretly enjoyed the nicknames he called you after all. It's like he sensed the shift in your mood and quickly lifted his arms, his sleeves rolled up, showcasing your favorite part of his clothing style.

With a gentle smile and a playful look, he motioned for you to lean on him once more. As he hung there, you found yourself unable to look away, hesitating to lean in again. He playfully urged, "C'mon, Y/n, my muscles can't hold on forever. Come on over."

You couldn't resist leaning into his arms as he wrapped his right arm around your shoulders. His hands delicately caressed your upper arms, and you could feel the warmth of his touch. Then he gently rested his hands on your shoulders with his fingers close to your face, creating an intimate and comforting moment.

He let out a deep sigh of relief and in his British accent said,  "I can't believe you're mine now," as he laid his head against the tree, gently closing his eyes.

As you both relaxed together, you noticed him gradually unwind. His eyes slowly fluttered open, briefly glancing downward to meet your gaze before returning to focus straight ahead. But then he suddenly leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, his eyes filled with warmth and a genuine smile. Your eyes widened, and a flush of surprise and excitement painted your face as that kiss took you by surprise.

As the conversation drew nearer, it felt like it emerged from somewhere else, interrupting the moment between you and Sanji. It was as if the crew was finally returning. And there they were, Luffy and the rest of the crew strolling towards you. It was in that moment that you realized Sanji had casually draped his arm over your shoulders, a comforting gesture that made you feel safe and protected.

As Luffy's eyes were about to spot the two of you by the tree, you swiftly untangled yourself from Sanji's embrace and gave him a forceful push causing him to be knocked off balance and land on the ground with a loud thud, letting out a groan of pain, "Ow!"

You still weren't ready to reveal your relationship to the rest of the crew. You weren't sure if Zoro had already told them, but you trusted him to keep it to himself.

Luffy's voice boomed across the island, "Hey, Y/n and Sanji! We spotted some smoke in the air on the east side. We thought maybe your hometown was there!" You let out a sigh of relief, glad that they didn't catch you in a lovey-dovey moment alone together.

"Really?!" you exclaimed, jumping up in excitement and nervousness. The chance to see your hometown, even though you don't remember it, fills you with anticipation, despite expecting it to be devastated. It's a mix of emotions, but you're ready for the journey!

"Yeah! But we're not sure yet, so we're going to go check it out," Luffy replied. Your smile faded into concern as you saw Sanji wincing in pain. "Oops, my bad, Sanji. Didn't mean to hurt you like that."

"Why'd you push me like that?" he complained, rubbing his arm and nursing his side where he got injured. "Wait, what are you two doing?" Luffy asked, completely clueless about the situation.

"Nothing! Sanji's just being his playful self, so I pushed him out of annoyance," you said, choosing to fib. Meanwhile, Zoro stood by, his heart twinging with a hint of jealousy as he observed the two of you together. Despite that, a knowing smile spread across his face, fully aware that you were too embarrassed to admit the truth, so you chose to fib instead. He was the only one who truly understood the secret you both shared.

The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficWhere stories live. Discover now