26 '𝘼 𝙎𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙚 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜'

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The crew was overjoyed when they learned they could spend an extra night again in a different house and town. Despite the devastation and your lack of memories, you're determined to return, rebuild your hometown, defeat Phalyn, and regain your memories.

Lost in thought, you felt a mix of emotions bubbling inside you as you listened to Kenway's words. Curiosity, longing, and a sense of connection all welled up within you. You yearned for more information to piece together your memories and to get to know the man who seemed to be a close friend when you were a child.

The sun was setting as you pondered on the porch, when suddenly you heard a loud thud. Your attention was caught as you saw Nami dropping cooking supplies from her hands. She noticed you and, in an unaffectionate tone, apologized for interrupting your deep thoughts. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to disturb you," she said as she quickly picked up the items.

As Nami was about to retreat inside, you called out her name, catching her attention. "Nami," you said. She turned to you with a questioning look, waiting to hear what you had to say. "I just wanted to thank you for being there for me when I panicked after the fight with Phalyn's crew. Your comforting presence meant a lot to me."

Nami replied with a straight expression, "Sure, you're not as bad as I thought. It's good to see you slowly regaining your memories. But I'll still be cautious about you betraying us once you remember everything." With that, Nami left, leaving you with her straightforward words echoing in your mind.

You couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment as you realized that changing Nami's perception of you was still a challenging task. It weighed heavily on your heart, knowing that her trust and acceptance were not easily won.

After what seemed like an hour or even longer, the crew called everyone to gather for dinner. The survivors formed a line, eagerly awaiting their turn at the long table filled with delicious food. You couldn't help but notice Sanji, standing behind the table with passion, serving food to the people, ladling soups, and offering dishes alongside the rest of the crew. It was a heartwarming sight to see their dedication to nourishing both body and soul.

From a distance, you watched the most important person in your life. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as Sanji's eyes met yours, his face lighting up with joy. "Y/n! Come on! Help us serve food for these lovely people!" he exclaimed. With a smile, you eagerly joined in, serving the delicious food that Sanji had cooked. The joy and excitement on the people's faces as they received the food was truly heartwarming.

Few hours later, after waiting for the people to finish their foods,  Finally, the crew had a chance to eat and gather together, embracing the spirit of pirate camaraderie. You sat cross-legged in a circle, enjoying a quiet and quality time as a crew.

Luffy asked how you feel as you discover more about yourself. You replied with optimism and determination, feeling great and confident in regaining your memories. Luffy cheered you on, saying "you've got this!"

The crew opened up about how this adventure has truly helped them rediscover their true selves, all while journeying alongside you. It's amazing to see how this journey is bringing out the best in everyone! However, Nami mentioned that she needs more than just a softening of her eyes to consider you a friend.

With unwavering determination, you assured Nami, "Don't worry, Nami. I'll prove my loyalty to the crew. You're all my friends, and I'm genuinely attached to each of you." Your words conveyed your sincere connection to the crew.

Nami's skepticism softened as she heard your genuine words. She responded, "I appreciate your sincerity, but I'll need to see your loyalty in action to truly consider you a friend." Nami wanted tangible proof of your commitment before fully accepting you as a friend.

With Nami's words echoing in your mind, you felt a strong desire to prove your care for the crew. As you glanced around, you couldn't help but notice Sanji was looking at you. In an irresistible act, Sanji left his seat and moved to sit beside you, unable to stay away, even as the rest of the crew carried on their conversations.

As the crew finished eating and bid each other goodnight, it became apparent that there weren't enough rooms for everyone. Without any concern for gender, you all decided to share one room, a testament to the deep trust you had for each other. Then everyone started heading back inside.

However, just as you were about to get up, Sanji gently grabbed your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. "Let's stay here for a moment," he whispered, his voice filled with a sense of anticipation.

As the crew disappeared back into the house, a glimmer in Sanji's eyes revealed his desire for a moment alone with you. You agreed and sat cross-legged beside him, ready to enjoy the moment together.

The night enveloped you both in its serene embrace, with stars twinkling above and the gentle chorus of crickets serenading the island. The dim lights surrounding you added to the enchanting atmosphere, creating a perfect setting for the quiet and intimate time you were about to share.

Sanji's voice broke the silence, "I promise to make sure she brings back all your memories. I can't wait to know your favorite things, Y/n. I want to make you happy by including all your favorites when we're together." Sanji's gaze was warm and affectionate.

A smile spread across your face as you reminisced about the moment. "You know, that first meal you ever served me... it was my absolute favorite," you said, your voice filled with genuine appreciation. "It felt like a fresh start, the first taste of a new beginning in my life. I'll never forget it."

Sanji's face lit up with excitement in his charming British accent. "Wow, really? I'm glad my food brings you joy and became a memorable part of your new journey!" he exclaimed. He paused, his smile growing wider as if he remembered something else. "But hey, remember when I was treating your wounds?" he asked.

"Yes, what's it about?" you asked, curious to know more.

After hearing your response, he continued, "You're just too adorable with that defensive look as I talk to you after carrying you drenched in the cabin. And sometimes when you get angry, it's the cutest thing ever, especially when you blush," he said, with a closed-lips smile and twinkling eyes.

Just after he talked, you blushed. Sanji couldn't help but chuckle at your reaction. He exclaimed, "See? You're blushing again!" as he playfully pointed at your face, you chuckled and playfully hit his arm, unable to resist his teasing.

The surroundings were peaceful, and being with him brought a sense of relaxation and security. As your conversation carried on, the night grew more tranquil. Just as a slight chill set in, Sanji broke the moment, his voice filled with concern, "Let's head back inside. Are you feeling cold?"

You shook your head, "Nah, I'm not cold. I still want to spend the night with you."

"Well then, how about we take a leisurely walk to digest our delicious meal?" he suggested. You smiled and firmly nodded as a response.

With a determined sound, he rose to his feet, vigorously brushing off the dirt from his hands. Then, he extended his hand to help you up, showing his strength and care.

With a sense of contentment and warmth, you gently grasped his hand and rose to your feet. As his hand slipped away, you both began a leisurely stroll through the serene night, savoring each step and cherishing the precious moments shared in blissful silence.

Walking separately, your eyes meet with shy glances and racing hearts. Suddenly, Sanji pauses, scanning the surroundings. With a gentle smile, he extends his left hand, invitingly gesturing for you to hold it.

Sanji's smile was genuine and heartwarming. Without hesitation, you reached out and intertwined your fingers with his, feeling a sense of warmth between you and him, His right hand stayed in his pocket.

As you walked together, you could feel his large, warm hands enveloping yours, you couldn't help but press your lips together, trying to hide the blush that crept onto your face. Sanji, however, notice your reaction, causing a slight smile to grace his lips. The quiet glances you exchanged further deepened the connection between you in the serene night.

(A/n: guys! I love this part! What do you think about this chapter? I'd love to hear your thoughts!)

The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficWhere stories live. Discover now