28 '𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩'

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As his lips gently met yours, a wave of warmth and desire washed over you.

His lips moved with a tantalizing rhythm, exploring every contour of your own, seeking to ignite a fiery passion within. With each gentle press and subtle flicker, the kiss deepened, intensifying the connection between you and him, his lips moved in perfect harmony with yours. His hand cradling the back of your head, keeping you close. The kiss was slow, savoring every moment of the intimate embrace.

Every touch of his lips against yours was an intoxicating blend of passion and sweetness, as if he wanted to savor every moment.

As the kiss grew more intense, you found yourself fully immersed in the moment. However, feeling overwhelmed, you gently placed your hands against his chest, creating a small distance between you. The kiss was abruptly interrupted, leaving you both breathless. As the intensity of the moment reached its peak, it was you who gently pushed him away, ending the passionate kiss. You took control of the situation, asserting your boundaries and ensuring your comfort.

Even after the kiss ended, you could still feel his intense gaze upon you, leaving a lingering sense of desire in the air.

He fell silent as you ended the passionate kiss, and a wave of awkwardness washed over you. "U-um, that was...wow. M-maybe, we should go back to the house now?" you stuttered, chuckling faintly, feeling the warmth on your face. The moment was filled with a mix of emotions and a playful nervousness. Unable to meet his eyes, you turned around and walked ahead, gently holding your cheek to calm the heat.

As you walked, you could sense his footsteps trailing behind you on the pathway. The memory of that intense kiss left you breathless, causing you to inhale and exhale deeply. You resisted the urge to look back, keeping your focus straight ahead.

As you reached the front door, you stopped and hesitated, unsure if you wanted to enter with him.

You turned around to talk to him, but his tall appearance nearly bumped into you, catching both of you off guard. Startled, you gathered your thoughts and mustered the courage to ask Sanji what you had in mind, you nervously asked, "Um, Sanji. If it's alright with you, Can I go in first? Just give me five minutes to settle in completely, and then you can come in"

He tilted his head, his tone naturally curious, and asked, "Why?"

You hesitated, feeling a bit nervous. The thought of confessing your relationship with Sanji to the rest of the crew always made your heart race. You didn't want to be too obvious after returning together, but you're determined to tell them when you feel ready.

"It's just..." you said, unable to continue. With a shy voice, you asked him, "Please, just do it for me." Hoping he would understand and grant your request.

Sanji's face transformed, a flicker of understanding crossing his features. He took a moment, then replied gently, a tender smile gracing his lips. "Sure thing, I'll make it happen just for you," he said, showing his respect for your wishes.

You exchanged responses, playing it cool and not mentioning the kiss. But inside, you were bursting with happiness, like screaming with joy on the inside.

As you entered the room, you observed that everyone had already drifted off to sleep. Nami had her own separate sleeping area away from the boys.

You quietly approached Nami, who was in a deep slumber, and carefully tucked yourself under the blanket next to her. You couldn't help but let out a quiet squeak of excitement as a rush of emotions flooded through you. You kicked your feet in the air, overflowing with joy from that amazing kiss and the special moments you shared that night.

You froze as the sound of footsteps echoed closer to the room. You knew it was Sanji. As you wished, Sanji gracefully stepped into the room, fulfilling his promise of waiting for five minutes.

You cautiously peered out from under your blanket, curious about what he was doing. He eased himself down beside the boys on the soft blankets, making himself comfortable on the floor. He positioned himself beside Zoro, Sanji's expression neutral. With one hand behind his head, he gently closed his eyes, embracing a calm and peaceful posture. It seemed as though he was ready to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

His presence captivates you, making it hard to sleep when you look at him. That lingering kiss keeps replaying in your mind, keeping you awake.

From a distance, you took a deep breath before turning to the other side, as if you didn't want to look at him because just by looking at him, it's hard for you to fall asleep.

But as you await the embrace of sleep, your eyelids finally grew heavy. They fluttered closed ever so gently, until you peacefully drifted off into a deep slumber.


In the middle of your deep sleep, you were completely immersed in a state of peaceful rest. It was as if you were in a tranquil oasis, far away from the worries and noise of the world. Your mind and body were at ease, finding solace in the embrace of sweet dreams.


As you peacefully slumbered, a sudden clap of thunder echoed through the silence, startling you awake. The angry rumble of the thunder intertwined with the pitter-patter of rain, creating a symphony of nature's power that sent shivers down your spine.

The room was enveloped in darkness, but the occasional flash of lightning illuminated the space. Fear gripped you, and memories of your past with Phalyn came rushing back. Determined to push those memories away, you tightly closed your eyes, refusing to let them consume you.

Feeling scared, you cautiously slid off the bed and began searching for Sanji among the boys sleeping on the floor. Sitting on your feet, you gently poked Sanji's arm as he slept on his side. He stirred and made a sleepy sound as he woke up, his face still filled with sleepiness. In the quiet of the night, he softly spoke your name "Y/n", confused by your presence at such a late hour.

"Are you feeling alright?" he asked softly. You mentioned your sleep troubles due to the thunder. In his sleepy state, he smiled and offered you to sleep next to him. Agreeing to his offer, you lay down beside him, and he extended his arms for you to rest your head on as a pillow.

Resting on his arm, you couldn't help but express your worry, "Sanji, is this really okay? What if we're caught sleeping together?"

With a gentle smile, he reassured you, "Don't worry, they're sound asleep. Stay here with me, and you won't feel scared anymore." He whispered, "And tomorrow morning, I'll wake up early to cook breakfast, so nobody will see us."

Gently reminding your fear, he asked in a hushed voice, "Still afraid of the thunder?"

You replied softly, "Not anymore," as his smile widened, understanding your words.

Resting your head on him, you felt safe and comforted by the warmth of his body. "I love you, Sanji," you whispered.

Sanji's chest rose and fell with a soft chuckle, his smile shining through as he savored every word. "That was the second time," he responded, his voice brimming with affection. "I love hearing that word, I'd say I love you even more than that, Y/n"

Sanji noticed your lack of response and realized you were on the verge of falling asleep. With a soft chuckle, he gently caressed your hair and whispered, "Sweet dreams, my princess." His words carried a tender warmth that enveloped you in a comforting embrace.

Not quite falling asleep yet, you were actually listening quietly in his comforting presence. As your eyes grew heavy once again, you found solace in the steady rhythm of his calm heartbeat beneath your ear. Eventually, you drifted off, finding peaceful slumber on his chest.

The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficWhere stories live. Discover now