30'𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙧𝙩'

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Months later,

you find yourself training with Sanji at the secluded backyard. After countless hours of practice, you've mastered the basics of Sanji's techniques, honing your skills and sharpening your reflexes.

In a surprising turn of events, Sanji proposes a friendly competition to put your abilities to the test. "Ready?" he asks, and with a confident nod, you respond, "Ready!" The anticipation builds as you prepare to face off against the skilled chef in an epic battle of strength and agility.

As the match began, you launched a powerful left leg strike, but Sanji effortlessly dodged it with his lightning-fast reflexes.

Undeterred, you quickly switched to your right leg, hoping to catch him off guard. However, Sanji's agility proved unmatched as he smoothly evaded your attack once again. "Wow, you're incredibly quick!" you exclaimed, impressed by his skills.

Sanji nodded, acknowledging your effort. "I've faced tough opponents before, but you're definitely holding your own, Y/N!" he complimented.

As the friendly fight carried on, Sanji chose to focus solely on defense, never launching a counterattack. Despite using his own techniques against him, you found it impossible to defeat him. He remained calm throughout, as if effortlessly anticipating your every move. It was clear that he knew your every movement, predicting your every action. After making it incredibly challenging for you, he couldn't help but smirk, relishing in the difficulty he presented.

As frustration built up from continuously missing your hits, You couldn't help but feel exasperated. Determined to land a blow, You aimed for Sanji's head with a powerful kick. However, he effortlessly evaded it once again.

Unexpectedly, You tightly closed your eyes, bracing for impact. To your surprise, when you cautiously opened one eye, You are confused to find that you hadn't been hurt. The air rushed past your ear, accompanied by a sharp sound, but somehow, you emerged unscathed.

You stood frozen in shock, finally realizing the true experience of fighting against Sanji. He was truly unbeatable and incredibly swift.

As you looked on, Sanji stood firmly on one foot, showcasing his remarkable flexibility. His leg came dangerously close, stopping just an inch away from your face. He halted, knowing he would never intentionally harm you.

"Y/n, believe in yourself and trust your instincts. I've noticed you're too preoccupied with avoiding getting hit instead of making your move," he encouraged. He positioned himself and added, "Give it another shot. Tell yourself you can do it and fight. Remember, Phalyn still has the rest of your memory, so let's train hard and do our best to defeat her."

His words resonated with strength and confidence, igniting a newfound sense of belief within you. With determination, you positioned yourself, ready to finally land a hit after countless misses.

As the fight ensued, he effortlessly evaded each of your kicks with skillful precision. Occasionally, he would counterattack, but always with a gentle touch. Exhausted and on the verge of giving up, a sudden realization struck you. Remembering Phalyn's intentions, a surge of anger ignited within you.

Sanji's words echoed in your mind as he urged you to hit him hard, to discover your inner strength. Fueled by anger, you unleashed an unexpected counterattack that forced Sanji to cross his arms in defense. Ignoring his pleas to stop, you relentlessly pressed on, eventually causing him to fall defeated to the ground.

Worried, you hurriedly rushed towards him as he lay defeated on the ground. His surprise and fear were evident as he witnessed your powerful strength and skillful moves. As he paused, a smile spread across his face, a look of satisfaction. "That was amazing!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "Y/N, you've got it! I can't believe you can do that!" His enthusiastic compliment filled you with a joyful chuckle, erasing any remaining doubts.

"You ready, Y/N? Think you can handle it?" he asked, his hand resting on your shoulder.

Your gaze locked with his, uncertainty clouding your thoughts. But with a burning desire to reclaim your memories, a surge of confidence coursed through you. Inhaling deeply, you responded, "Hell yeah! I'll take down Phalyn with everything I've got. She won't get away with destroying my town."

Sanji's eyes filled with understanding as he attentively observed you speak with unwavering confidence, letting out your anger towards Phalyn.


The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficWhere stories live. Discover now