31 '𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝘽𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚'

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As the crew gathered outside the house, Kenway stood on the seashore, prepared for your departure. "Kenway, we're incredibly grateful for letting us stay in your house. We hope the people here will remain safe, just like you," you expressed your gratitude.

Kenway smiled and replied, "I'll make sure to take care of them, and you take care of yourself with your amazing crew. So, you're a Straw Hat pirate now, huh?" he asked, curious about their new adventure.

With a gentle smile, you responded, "I might have considered joining the Boone Pirates, but now I'm a part of a different crew. We both disliked that ship, and I feel much happier with this crew."

Kenway nodded understandingly and said, "I'm glad to hear that you're happy and content with the Straw Hat Pirates. Remember, I'll be eagerly waiting for your return, with victory shining on your faces and all your cherished memories restored."

You nodded back, filled with determination, and replied, "Absolutely, Kenway. I promise you, I'll come back with a resounding victory and I'll bring back those childhood memories and strengthen our bond."

That seems like your final farewell as you turned around to board the ship. "Bye, Kenway! Thanks for everything!" you exclaimed, waving your hands high and clear for Kenway to see from the seashore. Tears welled up in your eyes, a testament to the significance he holds in your life.

"Guys! Since we're back to find Phalyn, let's do our favorite thing as we sail the ship," Luffy exclaimed. Everyone understood, and you found yourself standing by Sanji's side as he casually slipped his hands into his pockets.

The crew gathered in a circle around a barrel, and although you were a bit confused, you eagerly joined in on the excitement.

You couldn't help but be startled as Luffy boldly placed his foot on the barrel and shouted, "I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates!"

Sanji followed suit, placing his foot on the barrel and declaring, "I'm gonna find the All Blue."

Zoro joined in, placing his foot and proclaiming, "I'm gonna be the world's greatest swordsman."

Nami added her foot to the mix, stating, "I'm gonna draw a map of the world."

And lastly, Ussop bravely put his foot down, declaring, "I'm gonna become a brave warrior of the sea!" The crew's dreams and ambitions filled the air, igniting a sense of excitement and determination within you.

As if it were your turn, you felt a mix of uncertainty and determination, you finally spoke up, "Um, I don't have a dream but I'm gonna defeat Phalyn and reclaim all my memories!"

Luffy's eyes lit up with excitement as he exclaimed, "That's awesome! We're all geared up for the real adventure! Let's fight our way to victory!" The crew rallied behind your declaration, ready to face any challenge that lay ahead. The air crackled with anticipation as you embarked on this thrilling journey together.



In the depths of the Orbit, a majestic cruise ship that served as a disguise for the captain and his pirate crew, they found solace and secrecy. It was the perfect hiding spot, shielded from prying ears of other pirates who would stop at nothing to eavesdrop on their conversations.

But as the secret rendezvous unfolded, little nine-year-old Y/n couldn't resist the temptation to stealthily trail behind her friend, her heart brimming with a thirst for adventure and a deep appreciation for every precious moment they shared together.

As a loyal and protective pirate crew, he dutifully stood guard at the door, awaiting his captain's return. Little did he know that fate would grant him the opportunity to overhear a conversation between the two captains. They spoke of a treasure map, striking a deal where Boone would keep the map to examine and analyze it, working together to uncover the hidden riches. The big woman, seemingly lacking map analysis skills, smiled in agreement, finding the idea intriguing. In that moment, he recognized the other pirate his captain was conversing with—it was none other than Captain Phalyn.

In a surprising twist, the girl grabbed hold of his shirt, pulling him closer to her. Caught off guard, the guy's eyes widened as he looked down at the small girl before him. "Y/n, how on earth did you manage to find your way here? You really shouldn't have followed me," he whispered urgently, his voice filled with concern for her safety. He knew the potential consequences of her presence in that forbidden place.

But Y/n's eyes filled with sincerity as she spoke, "I just want to be by your side. I don't want to be separated from you or stay with our old crews." Her words carried a deep affection, as if he was her favorite person and she couldn't bear the thought of him leaving her.

"Y/n, please, you have to leave. I don't want Captain Boone to see you. It could get us into serious trouble!" he pleaded, his voice filled with worry.

"But I want to stay with you, Uncle Kenway! I'll be quiet and won't cause any trouble," she insisted, determined to stand by his side.

"No way, Y/n. I'm telling you, this is risky," he warned, his voice tinged with worry. But before they could continue their conversation, their voices attracted unwanted attention. The captain shot him a suspicious glance and questioned, "Who are you talking to?"

Trying to think on his feet, he nervously replied, "Oh, just some random passenger, Captain Boone! She asked me for directions, but it was a funny situation because we were both clueless since we're just passengers too." He let out a forced laugh, hoping to brush off any suspicion. The captain shot him a suspicious glance, but he shrugged it off and continued his conversation with Phalyn without much concern.

Kenway breathed a sigh of relief as she hid beside the door, grateful that Y/n hadn't been caught.

Little did they know, young Sanji was also there on the same cruise ship, working and cooking for the passenger ship.

The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficWhere stories live. Discover now