09 '𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏'

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Y/n's training sessions began from day one, and Sanji decided to start with the basics. He asked her to focus on stretching, emphasizing the importance of flexibility for smooth movements. Y/n diligently worked on her stretches, gradually becoming more comfortable and flexible.

Once the warm-up was complete, Sanji showcased his impressive moves, inspiring Y/n to give it her all. He challenged her to match his skills, but whenever he noticed Y/n making a mistake, he gently corrected her with light touches and guidance. Sanji's patience and gentle corrections helped Y/n improve her movements step by step.

After a long day of training, Y/n already knew that progress wasn't easy and hard work was required. She felt utterly exhausted from practicing high kicks, striving for flexibility, and mastering the techniques Sanji had taught her.

-Second Person POV-

"Do you want some more water?" Sanji asked, sweat dripping from his brow. "Yes, please. A sip of water would be so refreshing. Thank you," you replied, gasping for breath.

Sanji handed her a glass of water, ensuring she stayed hydrated, while he held another glass for himself.

Sanji didn't finish the water, instead choosing to shower himself with it. As he wet his hair and shoulders, you could see the relief on his face as he cooled down from the heat. The water cascaded down from his forehead to his neck, and you couldn't help but notice his shirt was partially unbuttoned, revealing his shoulders and chest through the wet fabric. But, of course, you didn't mean to focus on his body.

"I think you need to cool down too, you're so red," he said with a smile. As he grabbed a bucket of water to refill his glass, he suddenly splashed it on you. You gasped in surprise, not expecting him to do that.

"Sanji!" you shouted, feeling the shock of the cold water. "What?" he laughed mischievously. In response, you playfully retaliated by splashing him back with the glass cup you held. His reaction was priceless, causing you to burst into laughter, which in turn made Sanji laugh along.

But then, Sanji suggested, "Alright, that's enough fun. Let's head back to the cabin and change." He strolled ahead with his hands casually tucked in his pockets, and you followed suit, stealing a glimpse of his broad back through the damp fabric of his shirt.

All the crew turned their heads in sync when they saw you and Sanji walking in together.

"Why are you both soaking wet?" Luffy asked curiously.

You laughed shyly. "We decided to have some fun with water after the training," you explained. Ussop chimed in with a joke, "I guess you thought you were taking a refreshing dip in the ocean of your own sweat!" the crew members couldn't help but chuckle at Ussop's wit.

"I believe in you, Y/n. Even though you lost your memory, I can sense your hidden strength. Keep training with Sanji and let your fighting spirit shine through!" Luffy reassured.

"Thanks, Luffy. I'll give it my all... I guess," you replied, a hint of uncertainty in your voice.

"No worries! Just take your time and do what feels right for you. We'll support you all the way!", Luffy said reassuringly, his smile shining brightly. You couldn't help but admire Luffy's unwavering cheerfulness.

"Anyway, Did you have fun training?" luffy asked, smiling. You never saw him look sad or anything, you thought he's always cheerful as Ussop but Luffy is more consistent. "Uhm, yeah, it was actually pretty fun! I can't wait to fight alongside you and the whole crew!" you exclaimed, feeling a surge of excitement.

"Oh man, you won't believe it! Ussop is super hyped for the epic showdown of two Sanjis! It's gonna be legendary!" Ussop exclaimed, causing everyone to burst into laughter. The anticipation and excitement in the air were contagious.


It was super late at night and everyone was snoozing away. You woke up feeling all achy and couldn't fall back asleep. Sharing a room with Nami was still a bit chilly, but you sensed a glimmer of potential friendship. You had to use the bathroom, so you stumbled around in the dim light of the antique oil lamps and the moonlight, searching for the bathroom.

You were so confused when you found yourself in the kitchen, but then you heard footsteps creeping closer and closer behind you. As you turned around, a tall figure with his sleepy squinting face, his arms reached up to grab something from the wall cabinets, and his left hand rested on the countertop next to you. In that moment, you realized he was shirtless, but still had his pants on. You, feeling a mix of surprise and curiosity, couldn't help but blush at the unexpected encounter.

As you stood there, you couldn't help but wonder if he was wearing a captivating scent, making you gulp nervously and blush.

But then, his eyes shifted to you, he murmured, "Why are you still awake, Y/n?"

"I was, um, searching for the bathroom, and, uh, I noticed you had come this way earlier, so I thought maybe you could help me find it." He echoed your words, a playful glint in his eyes, "You can't find it..."

"Well..." he exclaimed, setting down the item he retrieved from the wall cabinets and placing his hands on his hips. "It was right here," he said, opening the door in the corner.

"I know it's tough to find, but here's the bathroom for you!" he cheerfully announced. "Let me turn on the lights for you, baby"

As the room brightened, his impressive six-pack abs came into clear view. "Are you going in or not?" he asked, but then he noticed the expression on your face.

He smiled shyly, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. "I'm sorry for the unexpected sight," Sanji remarked, his voice filled with a mix of embarrassment and playfulness. "But hey, you've seen it before right? No biggie" he added,

"But, d-did you just called me baby?" You stuttered.

"Yes, I did" he replied confidently.

"Then please don't call me that. I don't need nicknames," you replied. But as you were about to enter the bathroom, Sanji unexpectedly blocked your path.

"What if I don't want to?" he challenged, leaning casually against the doorway with his right arm.

"Please, step aside" you requested, attempting to keep your cool.

He paid no attention, his gaze piercing into the depths of your soul. You pushed his hands away and continued on your way to the bathroom, determined to ignore him. But as you took a step, your legs gave way on the slippery tile, causing you to lose your balance. In a sudden twist of fate, You found yourself pressed against Sanji as you accidentally pushed him against the wall.

(A/n: Hewuu, I'm so sorry if I updated this chapter late because I've been busy this day but here you go! I hope my writing didn't make you think of something dirty because I just did lol)

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