21 '𝑷𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓𝒔'

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Nami's expression turned to one of genuine concern as she saw you giving up on the ground . "Y/n, are you alright?" she asked, her voice filled with empathy and care.

Your voice trembled with realization as you said, "I remembered... I now understand why the rain caused pain in my heart. It was raining at that moment when I was filled with fear, almost losing my life"

In that moment, you realized the rain held a deeper meaning. It reminded you of the fear you experienced, almost losing your life. You couldn't help but be grateful for the special man who saved you. Without him, you could've died, lost at sea.

"I know it can be overwhelming, but remember that you're not alone. We're here for you, supporting you through it all."she said, confusion hits you as if why she suddenly show concern to you.

"What's the plan now? Looks like Y/n and Sanji are tied up at the moment," Nami said, staying by your side.

Luffy reassured everyone, saying, "Don't worry, we'll stick around. We're always ready for anything, even on this island!"

As you and the crew continued walking, Sanji's arm was wrapped around Zoro, carrying him the whole way. They made sure to put a good distance between themselves and the fallen enemies, ensuring that they would remain undetected.

The crew stood in shock, their expressions mirroring your own disbelief. Amidst the chaos, you suddenly recalled the figure who had swiftly fled. Your panic began to subside as you tried to gather yourself.

"L-Luffy," you stammered, your voice filled with uncertainty.

Luffy turned to you, his attention fully focused. "I think I saw a guy running away from the fight. I suspect he's the one who stabbed Sanji," you said softly. Luffy nodded, acknowledging your observation. "Hmm, you've got a sharp eye for catching the culprit," he responded playfully.

"How does he look like?" he asked.

"He had yellow hair with green highlights, if I remember correctly," you replied, trying to recall the man's appearance.

"Wait a minute, I think I know who you're talking about. Was it Cabaji?" Luffy asked, a spark of recognition in his voice.

Ussop chimed in, snapping his fingers. "Oh, I think it's him too! It's definitely Cabaji, the guy who's always in his unicyle. He's one of Buggy's pirates," Ussop confirmed.

Zoro sighed, "Yeah, I remember that man too," recalling the intense circus scene with Nami tied in a cage and him tied in a spin wheel. He truly hates that guy with a unique hair.

"Why would Cabaji and Buggy get involved in this? It's so confusing," Nami asked, her voice filled with frustration.

"I think Buggy might be seeking revenge because I defeated him in our fight," Luffy replied, understanding Nami's confusion and trying to provide an explanation for their involvement.


In a quiet moment on the island, the crew cleverly crafted their own shelter, creating a makeshift tent. They gently laid Sanji on a soft surface, and Ussop and Nami carefully removed his clothes to tend to his wounds. Nami ventured off to find some healing plants,  to help his wound heal.

As Ussop and Zoro quietly pondered in the distance, Zoro leaning against a rock with his swords by his side.

Luffy, sitting next to you, reassured, "Don't worry, Y/n, we'll find a way. We'll locate your hometown and track down that Phalyn who stole your memories."

You softly whispered, "It's her, Luffy." Luffy looked puzzled, unsure of what you meant with the limited information you provided.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" he asked, seeking clarification.

"It's the same person who threatened me in the market. I have no idea how she found us," you explained.

Luffy's eyes locked onto you, a glimmer of understanding dawning upon him. His eyes were wide with anticipation, and his grin stretched from ear to ear , and exclaimed, "Is it really her? Haha! This is the most epic adventure ever!" The sudden outburst caught you off guard, making you flinch.

You could see the genuine excitement in Luffy's eyes as he blurted out, "Sorry, I just got so excited but Y/n!" His voice was filled with joy and anticipation, his words echoing through the island. It was clear that he couldn't contain his enthusiasm for whatever adventure awaited you both on this beautiful island.

Luffy gave you a reassuring pat on the shoulder, saying, "Don't worry! We've got this. You're strong, and together as the Straw Hat Pirates, we'll find her and get your memories back!"

You looked at him, trying to understand. "Am I part of your crew now?" you asked.

"Definitely!" Luffy exclaimed. "I saw you fighting alongside us, and we made a great team. Your fighting skills are improving, Y/n! I'm proud of you. Keep it up!"

Luffy's stomach growled loudly, interrupting the conversation. "Oops, I think I need to grab some food. Watch over Sanji, and I'll just go find something to eat!" he said, hurrying off.

The island fell into an eerie silence, the air thick with anticipation. Your heart, filled with concern for Sanji, urged you to break the silence. With each step, the sound of your footsteps echoed through the quiet, amplifying the weight of your worry.

Sanji's body language changed as he sensed your presence, his posture adjusting slightly. Lying on the ground with Ussop's bag and soft fabric, he confessed, "I'm a bit embarrassed. I wanted to impress you with my action moves, but things didn't go as planned. I didn't want you to see me like this."

You chuckled and replied, "But I gotta admit, you've already impressed me by your movements. You're so cool, even when you're injured. And the fact that you're still looking out for me, it kinda feels nice, you know?"

Sanji's full attention was captured as he listened intently. His smile grew, taking on a playful tone as he asked, "Did I finally win your heart?" His eyes sparkled with anticipation, reflecting the excitement in his voice.

With a playful snort, you playfully responded, "Being impressed by your skills doesn't mean I've fallen for you...yet!" A mischievous chuckle escaped your lips, adding to the playful banter between you and Sanji.

As you flashed a knowing smile and subtly hinted at your growing affection, his grin stretched across his face, mirroring your joy. Locked in a timeless moment, your eyes locked, In that hushed silence, a wordless bond spoke volumes, capturing the essence of your connection.

His gaze then shifted to the strands of hair on your right side that was delicately framing your face. With a tender gesture, Sanji raised his right hand and gently swept it, tucking your hair behind your ear to hold your face.

As his fingers gently cradled your face, the touch was tender and comforting, creating a sense of closeness and affections. You could feel the strength and protection in his touch, as if he was cherishing the moment and wanting to keep you safe.

And as the words slipped from his lips, Sanji's gaze softened, filled with genuine admiration. "You're so beautiful," he murmured, his eyes sparkling with sincerity. "I'll always be here for you, ready to protect you." His voice held a gentle reassurance, conveying his unwavering commitment and care.

(A/n: I need to finish the chapter here, please forgive me 🙏)

The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficWhere stories live. Discover now