12 '𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉 𝒐𝒓 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒆'

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The Straw Hat Pirates gathered on the ship's deck, ready for a game of Truth or Dare. Luffy's eyes gleamed mischievously as he exclaimed, "Alright, let's get this party started! Zoro, truth or dare?"

Zoro smirked confidently and replied, "I'll go for Dare."

Luffy's grin widened as he challenged Zoro, "I dare you to try and balance a spoon on your nose for one minute!"

The atmosphere grew tense as Zoro's serious nature took center stage. Everyone held their breath, unsure of how he would respond to the dare. The crew watched anxiously as Zoro's face turned determined and he accepted the challenge. It was a thrilling moment, and we couldn't wait to see if he could pull it off!

"Okay, Challenge accepted. Watch and learn, everyone"  he declared,

The crew's eyes were fixed on Zoro as he delicately balanced the spoon on his nose. Time seemed to stand still as he flawlessly completed the dare, earning a resounding round of applause and laughter from his impressed comrades.

Next, it was Ussop's turn. Luffy asked him, "Ussop, truth or dare?"

Ussop thought for a moment and then decided, "Dare!"

Luffy grinned mischievously, "I dare you to do a silly dance right here on the ship's deck!"

Ussop didn't hesitate as he accepted, ready to let loose and have some fun. With a willingness to embrace the moment, Ussop unleashed his best silly dance moves, causing the crew to erupt in laughter and cheer. It was a hilarious sight that brought a lighthearted energy to the ship's deck.

Luffy scratched his head in confusion, "Hey, why is nobody choosing truth yet? Truths can be fun too, you know!"

Sanji chimed in, "Alright, I'll go for truth, Ask me something, Luffy!"

Luffy's eyes gleamed with curiosity, "Okay, Sanji. Tell us.. I'd be wanting to know, What be the most romantic gesture you ever made to impress a lady?"

Luffy's eyes gleamed with curiosity as he posed the question to Sanji, eager to hear about his most romantic gesture. Sanji's face lit up with a proud smile as he confidently replied, "Ah, Luffy, my cooking skills have always been my secret weapon. I once impressed Nami with my culinary talents, and I've caught Y/n fangirling over me as well."

"Dude, you're winning over all the women, huh?" Zoro remarked, impressed.

Sanji chuckled and replied, "Not all of them but Nami was definitely the toughest one to win over."

After hearing his tales about other girls, you suddenly felt a twinge in your heart. It be a mix of sadness and disappointment.

Ussop chimed in, "My turn Luffy! Ask me something!"

Luffy grinned mischievously, "Okay, Usopp, tell us... what's the biggest lie you've ever told?"

Usopp's eyes widened, and he stammered, "Well, uh, I once pretended to be a brave warrior when I was actually scared out of my wits. But hey, it was all part of my plan to save the day!"

The crew burst into laughter, appreciating Usopp's ability to spin tales even in the face of fear.

Luffy grinned mischievously, scanning the group until his eyes stopped on you, "Alright, Y/n, it's your turn. Truth or dare?"

You thought for a moment and then replied, "I'll go with truth."

Ussop, with a sly smile, asked, "Alright, Y/n! Is there someone special on the ship that you'd like to get to know better?"

You are surprised by that question, and it's a little tough for you. You feel unsure.

As the crew chimed in one after another, Zoro quipped, "I bet it's Luffy." Luffy shook his head, saying, "Nah, I think it's Zoro." Sanji playfully added, "Maybe it's me."
Ussop exclaimed "That should be me!" The crew always knows how to bring a smile to your face. But then he quickly changed his mind, adding, "Or maybe someone even more charming?"

The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficWhere stories live. Discover now