38 '𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙢𝙚?

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You listen intently as Nami shares her heartbreaking story. She explains that her deep hatred for the Boone Pirates stems from a tragic incident in her past. Nami reveals that she had a dear friend from her childhood who tragically lost her life on the Boone's pirate ship. It was a horrifying experience for Nami, as she was forced to endure the hardships of being a slave on that ship.

As Nami recounts the painful memory, you can see the sadness and anger in her eyes. She tells you that she witnessed her friend's untimely demise right before her own eyes. Nami's own survival during that time was a testament to her skills as a fighter. It was her strength and determination that allowed her to persevere through such a harrowing ordeal.

Nami also mentions that amidst the chaos, she noticed another girl on the ship, laughing callously at the situation. However, you express your surprise, as you don't recall that specific detail from the events Nami described. It seems like there may be more to the story that Nami hasn't shared yet.

Nami's voice trembles with a mix of pain and vulnerability as she continues her story. "And yeah, Y/n, when I first found out that you were once a member of the Boone Pirates, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger towards you. It reminded me of all the pain and suffering I endured at the hands of that crew."

She looks at you, her eyes filled with a mix of sadness and understanding. "But as I got to know you better, I realized that you're not defined by your past. You've shown me loyalty, kindness, and a determination to protect the crew. It's made me see that you're not the same as those who hurt me."

You reach out and gently hold Nami's hand, reassuring her. "Nami, I understand why you felt that way, and I'm truly sorry for the pain you've been through. But please know that I'm here for you now, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure you never have to face that kind of suffering again."

Nami raised her palms and gave a dismissive wave, as if to say, "Forget about it." Her action conveyed a sense of letting go and moving on from the past. With a sigh, she continued, "It's all in the past now. I've accepted my friend's passing. She's resting peacefully up there," pointing to the sky, "no longer suffering because of the Boone Pirates."

As she shifted her attention to her tangerine plant, Nami playfully remarked, "Well, I gotta water my tangerines. Sorry for always interrupting your thoughts."

You responded with a light-hearted joke, "Nah, it's more than okay for my thoughts to be interrupted." Nami mirrored your smile before heading off to tend to her tangerine plant.

The exchange between you and Nami showcased a comfortable and playful dynamic, reinforcing the strong bond you share with her and the rest of the crew.

Within a minute, someone silently joined you, leaning their arm on the ship's railing. When you saw them, your heart fluttered with excitement. They gazed out at the sea, feeling the gentle breeze on their face and hair. Finally, their eyes met yours, and you shared a wordless connection, both of you smiling.

"What?" you asked, your voice trembling with a mix of laughter and surprise.

"Another staring contest?" you playfully questioned. "Your eyes are just... amazing to look at," Sanji replied, expressing his admiration.


The ship stopped at the seashore for a special celebration of your victory and achievement. You and the rest of the crew having an awesome picnic with Sanji's amazing food. As you took a leisurely walk with Sanji on the beach at sunset, Sanji suddenly spoke up.

"Hey, Y/n, I still can't wrap my head around how you freed those people after everything. It's just...hard for me to accept," he said,

Understanding his thought, you replied "Yeah, I know. It was a tough decision, but I couldn't stand by and let them suffer even after all they did to me. It's all about doing what's right, no matter how difficult it may be."

"You know what Sanji? I think this whole time experience has shown me who I truly am. I don't want to resort to violence or take someone's life, no matter how unforgiveable their actions may be. They've learned their lesson, and it's time to move on. Revenge isn't worth it anymore" you laughed softly, trying to lighten up the mood.

Sanji caught a glimpse of your radiant smile, and it instantly brought a smile to his face as well. He couldn't help but snort playfully and tease, "You're such a softie, Y/n. That's one of the things I love about you."

As you walk along the shore, you suddenly come across a message in a bottle washed up on the sand. Sanji walked towards it, picking it up and hands it to you, saying, "I think this is meant for you."

You were completely taken aback when you received a message in a bottle. Who would have thought someone would send you one again? With curiosity, you opened the bottle and discovered a heartfelt letter from Sanji. As you read his words, your heart filled with love and joy. He poured out his feelings, expressing his deep love for you and his desire to spend the rest of his life by your side. It was a truly beautiful and unforgettable moment.

As you finished reading the heartfelt letter, you turned around and were surprised to find Sanji on one knee, holding a seashell ring. His eyes locked with yours, and he smiled softly.

Your smile slowly transformed into joy, and appreciation. Your heart raced with nervousness and excitement, realizing that he was actually proposing to you, even though you didn't see it coming.

"Y/n," he said, his voice filled with anticipation. He paused for a moment, letting the moment hang in the air. "I know it's only been a year since we met, but being with you feels like an essential part of my life. You're always on my mind, and I never want to be separated from you. I can't bear the thought of someone taking you away from me, Y/n. That's why I believe this is the right decision for me to make."

"So, Y/n," With a touch of vulnerability, he mustered up the courage and asked, "Will you marry me?" The words hung in the air, and time seemed to stand still as you took in the weight of the moment and the depth of his love for you.

With tears of joy welling up in your eyes, you took a deep breath and replied with a heartfelt "Yes! Absolutely! A thousand times yes!"

The excitement in your voice was palpable, and your words echoed with the sheer joy and anticipation that filled every fiber of your being. It was a resounding declaration of your unwavering love for Sanji and your boundless excitement for the future that lay ahead as partners in life.

Sanji stood up, his eyes filled with joy and surprise as he heard your heartfelt answer. He gently slid the ring onto your finger, his face beaming with happiness. You couldn't help but let out a slight laugh when you realized that he had actually crafted the ring from a seashell. It was such a thoughtful and unique gesture that it took you by surprise.

Sanji chuckled along and reassured you, "I know it looks a bit crappy and was not looking fancy or expensive, but I made it with love just for you. Don't worry, though. I promise to get you a real one and a beautiful ring for your finger."

You couldn't help but appreciate his effort, so you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, pulling him into a warm and loving embrace. The sheer happiness of knowing that you were ready to spend the rest of your life with this incredible man overwhelmed you.

As Sanji's arm wrapped around your waist, he couldn't contain his excitement and playfully swung you around, both of you laughing with pure delight. When he finally stopped, you found yourselves staring into each other's eyes, a smile spreading across your faces.

In that beautiful moment, Sanji leaned in and gently kissed you on the lips, sealing your love and commitment to each other. It was a tender and magical kiss, filled with the promise of a lifetime of happiness together.

And so, the journey of you with the Straw Hat Pirates and Sanji comes to an end, but the beginning of a new adventure awaits as you embark on a lifelong journey of love and companionship.

The End.

The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficWhere stories live. Discover now