13 '𝑨 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓'

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You were seriously left in complete shock and dumbfounded as everything unfolded in a flash. The whole crew, exhausted and totally wasted from the chaos, stumbled their way back to the cabin to crash and get some much-needed rest. But guess what? Despite being slightly drunk, You were somehow fully awake and buzzing with energy after Sanji accepted that dare from Usopp. It was like you had a surge of adrenaline pumping through you.

When you saw Sanji's sleeping face up close and had that near miss kiss, it was like time stood still. You felt overwhelmed and didn't know how to react anymore. It was a reminder that playing games with drinks involved can be really dangerous. But you'll let it slide because he didn't kiss you directly.

You found yourself alone with Sanji and Zoro, and they were both sprawled out on the floor, sleeping tightly. They were snoring away, creating a symphony of snores. Their funny positions made you smile uncontrollably because they looked so adorable.

You let out a deep sigh of annoyance, realizing that it was now up to you to clean up the mess. It was quite a task, with bottles of alcohol and leftovers scattered all over the floor. But you couldn't just leave the boys there, as they could catch a cold if they slept outside. So, you took on the responsibility, determined to tidy up and make sure they were safe and warm. It might be a lot of work, but it's all worth it for your friends.

You tried to gently wake them up by shaking their bodies with your two hands. "Sanji!" you hissed, "Zoro! Wake up, guys! We should go back to the cabin. Please don't sleep here," you pleaded with concern in your voice.

With determination and all your strength, you decided to pick them up one by one. You grabbed Zoro first, dragging him by his arms. He was in a deep sleep, obviously knocked out from the effects of drunkenness. It took some effort, but you were determined to get them back to the cabin safely. Exhausted from the effort of trying to lift Zoro, you took a deep breath to catch your breath. It wasn't about being weak or a girl, but about the challenge of lifting someone who was heavier.

You gave it your all, trying your best to drag Zoro into the cabin, but it felt like an impossible task. Feeling overwhelmed, you stopped in the middle of the deck and let go of Zoro, allowing him to lay on the floor. Instead, you decided to try waking him up again, hoping that he would respond and cooperate.

"Zoro! Wake up! You're so heavy, don't make me lift you, please," you said, groaning with annoyance. The green-haired boy groaned in his sleep, but it seemed like your efforts were starting to work. "Zoro!" you hissed again, determined to get him to wake up. You tried to lift his back and shoulders, and he seemed to sit up slightly, but his eyes remained closed, squeezing his eyes shut, as if he didn't want to get up just yet. Keep trying, you're doing great!

"Get up, please," you said softly, mustering all your strength. You carefully put his arms around your shoulders and gently carried him up. He weakly helped by lifting himself, but it was clear that he was still feeble. You're doing an amazing job taking care of him!

It's definitely challenging when he struggles to maintain his balance as you guide him inside the room. After bringing him to the boys' room, you gently dropped him onto a random bed. As you stepped back outside, you couldn't help but remember what he said during the game. Zoro mentioned feeling a special something when you smiled, but you don't recall the exact moment. It's amazing how a simple smile can have such a powerful effect on someone. You're probably wondering how you made Zoro feel that way with just a smile. After pondering these thoughts, you quickly went back to get Sanji.

You quickly rushed towards Sanji and, just like with Zoro, you lifted his back and shoulders to help him sit up. Then, you lifted him up to stand, but he was still weak and couldn't keep his balance. As you carried Sanji with his arms around your shoulders, his head accidentally brushed against your face because he couldn't control the movement of his head muscles.

As you walked together, You were puzzled as to why it became more difficult to carry him, only to realize that he had stopped walking. In his drunken state, he was uttering gibberish words and taking deep breaths as you noticed him biting his lower lip, frowning, and groaning, showing signs of discomfort. As his head dropped again, he turned to you with his sleepy squinting face, taking a moment to process and recognize you. It seems like his drunkenness is affecting his awareness and coordination.

He hummed inquisitively and playfully asked, "Hmm? Who's this girl around my arm?" He quietly snorted and started stroking your hair, his hands resting on your shoulders, and flashed you a smile. With a tipsy tone and a playful chuckle, he wondered, "Are you my girl?" in a slightly slurred manner.

Your frown deepened as you exclaimed,"Stop that, I'm definitely not your girl!" The frustration in your voice was evident. It was during the game that you discovered his pattern of pursuing every girl he found attractive.

Drunk Sanji, with a slurred voice, responded with a mix of surprise and drunken charm, saying something like, "Wha...wait a minute! You're not my girl? But you're sho pretty...hic...I can't help but be attracted to you."

After Sanji's confession, you felt a flicker of vulnerability within you. However, you composed yourself and replied with a disinterested tone, "Thanks, but I've heard that line before. Maybe you should sober up."

Sanji knew he was talking to you and he was just drunk and being his usual flirtatious self.

You quickly brought him to the boys' room, not wanting to hear more of what he had to say. He stumbled along as you carried him, struggling to maintain his balance. Finally, you safely placed Sanji next to Zoro on the bed. Phew, mission accomplished!

"Ugh, Sanji, you're heavier than Zoro!" you grumbled, feeling exhausted from carrying him. Now he's back to sleeping so deeply. You sighed in frustration, realizing that all your effort went unnoticed as he peacefully dozed off again.

As you looked around the room, you saw Luffy and Usopp sleeping peacefully. Being surrounded by them made you feel safe and grateful for the bond you shared.

The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficWhere stories live. Discover now