08 '𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒇'𝒔 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏'

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-time skipped-

The crew is back sailing on the ship after going merry is finally done, they are in the middle of the sea to find Captain Phalyn as promised.

Y/n, peacefully watching the crew's friendly competition on the ship's deck, observed as they trained and had fun. But then she saw how Zoro and Sanji fight over something.

"Ow! You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Sanji cried out in pain after getting accidentally hit by Zoro's sword.

"I didn't mean to. Maybe you should move farther away so I won't accidentally hit you again," Zoro suggested.

Luffy sighed, "Come on, guys, can't you just be friends?"

Zoro scoffed, "If Sanji's cooking could ever match up to my swordsmanship skills"

Sanji rolled his eyes, "Please, your sense of direction is as lost as your taste in fashion"

"Hey, Sanji, I don't spend all my time chasing after women like you do"

"Well, Zoro, I'd rather chase after women than get lost every time I step foot outside the ship!"

Luffy's voice filled with concern as he exclaimed, "Hey, guys! Let's all take a deep breath and come together. How about we sit down for a moment and share some stories with Y/n? It'll be an awesome way for her to truly get to know us better!" Luffy's spontaneous change of plans showcased his eagerness to foster a meaningful bond among the group.

Moments later, they sat down on the deck, They start sharing stories to Y/n, until it's Sanji's turn, the others didn't share much about them but Sanji was the only one who shared more about his life to her.

He shared stories of his adventures with his crewmates and how he fought against bad guys throughout his life. He also opened up about a man who raised him and trained him as a chef, despite their complicated relationship. Sanji became emotionally attached to him. but in the end, he bid farewell and left the restaurant that he both loved and hated, choosing to join the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Why did you join the Straw Hat Pirates then if you're a chef?" you asked, genuinely curious. Sanji's eyes sparkled with determination as he replied, "I was a pirate chef with Zeff. Since that boring restaurant wasn't cutting it, I joined the Straw Hat Pirates to find the All Blue, the ultimate ocean that holds every fish a chef could ever dream of. It's my passion, my dream," he said confidently. You couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for his unwavering pursuit of his culinary aspirations.

"You must really love being a chef" Your voice filled with admiration. "No wonder your food is unbelievably delicious." You paused, a thoughtful expression on your face. "I get it now. You protect your hands when fighting because you don't want anything to hinder your cooking." The air between you was filled with understanding and appreciation, strengthening the bond of respect and admiration.

"Exactly! You've got it all figured out," he exclaimed, smiling at you with his sparkling eyes.

"Yeah! We first met him at the restaurant and were blown away by his fighting skills! He was an incredible fighter! That's why I was determined to recruit him for my crew. But you know what? He's only gotten even more skilled with time! It's the little things that really make a difference!" Luffy exclaimed with excitement.

"Yeah, and that's also where his eyes were fixed, only on Nami while we were ordering food." Ussop said.

Y/n was not surprised as if she knew he'd be that flirty to girls since before.

Luffy grinned, "Anyway, Y/n, you should totally train yourself to fight! Who knows, maybe you'll recall some hidden fighting skills if you had any! How's that, eh?"

Ussop nodded, "Yeah, it's always good to be able to defend yourself. We can even spar together!"

Sanji chimed in, "And I can teach you some cool moves too, You'll be pro in no time"

"Hmm, I bet you'd love to train with one of us!, We all have different fighting styles. Who do you want to train with?" Luffy asked.

Nami, who seem uninterested to the conversation, sighing, "Count me out of this training session, guys"

Y/n scanned the group who'd she want to train with, she wants to train with someone she's comfortable with, her eyes starts from Luffy, but he seemed like he can't train you because he's different he has a gum gum fruit power that can stretch his arms and body, then she can't choose Zoro too because he seems cold, and if she choose Ussop, he's a little bit coward but he's got a sharpshooting skills. And not Nami too, Nami hates her. Her eyes stopped on Sanji, her heart skipped a beat, thinking she might want to learn his fighting style, since it's unique and she'd like to know him better.

Y/n blushed and softly said, "I think I'll choose Sanji.. his kicking skills seem really impressive"

Luffy's eyes widened in excitement, "Yay, Sanji, you're gonna train Y/n! That's gonna be awesome!"

Ussop nodded approvingly, "Good choice, Y/n. Sanji's kicks are no joke. You'll learn a lot from him."

Sanji flashed a confident smile, "I'm honored, Y/n. Get ready for some intense training sessions. I'll make sure you become a kick-ass fighter!"

Luffy chimed in, "I can't wait too see how much stronger you'll get, Y/n. Sanji's gonna whip you into shape!"

The crew was thrilled that Y/n had chosen Sanji and couldn't wait to see the progress they would make together.

The Chef boy| Sanji x reader {Taz Skylar} fanficWhere stories live. Discover now