30. Race recap

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Paul pov:

I woke up from a noisy sound. But before I could open my eyes I felt the person next to me move and then I heard an other voice

George: Auw, don't throw a pillow at me papa.

Nico: Was machst du in unserem Zimmer, Georgie?
(What are you doing in our room Georgie)

George: What?

Lewis: He asks what the fuck you are doing here and keep your voice down Paul's still asleep.

George: I was looking for ice cream.

I heard dad groan before he said: Georgie I only have ice cream for you after the really warm races else I only have ice cream for myself kiddo.

George: Can you get me ice cream?

Lewis: Georgie, I don't have time right now. But you can join the bed to sleep a little more, but please let Paul sleep a little longer he needs it.

Paul: I'm awake already dad. 

Lewis: Good morning then Paul.

Papa was done with the conversation and said: Can I now finally continue sleeping or should I go to my own room for that?

I chuckled and hugged dad tight again, he pulled me in his embrace while he laid down on papa's chest.

Nico: Come and lay down George we have an hour before our alarm goes, or is Alex in your room?

George: No, no we never share a room the night before a race.

I started tearing up a bit and said: Can we talk about something else than perfect lovelifes please...

Lewis: Ofcource Paul. Let's just sleep.

We all fell asleep again. When the alarm woke us up again George and I both went to our own rooms. 

When I got down for breakfast I saw some of the guys already sitting at a table I was the third one to arrive Ollie and Kimi were already sitting at the table, I sat infront of Kimi but I said hello to the two guys before I started eating my egg but after the first bite someone sat next to me. I almost immedeatly chocked on my egg because the one and only Dino Beganovic sat down next to me. He gave me some water to help me out of my coughing fit, I saw Fred who was sitting on Kimi's left giving us a knowing smile. 

Dino wispered to me: Are you good?

I wispered: Yea I'm alright.

Dino: Can you come to my hotelroom after the race, just text me when you leave the paddock okay?

Paul: Yes, Yes ofcource.

Dino gave me a calming smile what made me realise he really wasn't mad.

After our breakfast the 5 of us walked to the paddock, or yea there was only 3 of us walking because Kimi was sitting on Ollie his back and I was carrying Dino piggyback. When we walked past papa and his friends from sky he gave me a sweet smile what made me smile back. We all watched the race at an other place so we split up and decided to meet up on Monday to fly back together. 

Formula 1 & co

Seb: WOW, Danny and Alex are you guys alright?

Alex: Yea, was a hard crash but I'm fine. I jsut hope the team is going to be able to fix the car with the stuff we have.

Logan: Yeah I hope so to.

Daniel: I'm alright I'm just going to lose my seat... Again.

Max: No Dan, you aren't going to lose your seat. You're going to do great in China and prove to that asshole of a Helmut that you can do it. I believe in you❤️and this crash wasn't your fault Alex was in your blind spot you couldn't see him <3.

Daniel: Thanks Max but I don't think it will be enough. 

Mark: And else there is enough other racing categories to drive in. 

Jenson: You should join me in WEC.

Daniel: You're right slow car and Mark you to.

Seb: Everyone did great.

Logan: I didn't I came last again...

Rose: Logan you crashed but still continued that's a sign you don't give up fast what means your a great driver. You just have to learn how to work with your car.

Lando: Love you're on the podium again 😍😘 Great job!

Carlos: Thanks cariño you also did great. McLaren just had a really weird strategy.

Lando: True! But I'm super proud of you❤️❤️

Seb: Everyone did great, Now go and enjoy the rest of your night and have a safe flight home okay.

Magnussen family

papa added Dennis 

Papa: My kid is also in the family.

🦕: Hey Dennis :D

Dennis: Hey dino, how are you?

Freddie: HEY DENNIS!

Dennis: Hey Fred, how are you

Freddie: I'm good =)

Dennis: Great, and you Dino?

🦕: Yea, meh could be better but could be worse.

Far: What's up?

🦕: A bit stressed I have a meet up with someone and I'm a bit scared for the outcome.

Far: Okay kid, just let me know if we can do something. And welcome in the chat Dennis 😀

Dino pov: 

I was on my way back to the hotel. I was scared that Paul changed his mind, or that he doesn't like me anymore after what happened a few days ago. I can't lose him, Paul is to important to me if I lose him I lose myself and I would hate myself if he would leave me. He is my world, my best friend and my crush and I would love to be his boyfriend. But to me it's way more important that I have my best friend next to me.

I walked into my room. I was really nervous, I changed my outfit really quick. Then I heard my phone make a noise. It was a text from Paul, saying he was on his way to the hotel and asking me if I still wanted to see him. I replied saying ' ofcouce see u in a minute'. After a few minutes I heard a knock on the door. I went to open the door and he was standing in front of me, 

(A/N: A short chapter, the rest will come online later today/ tomorrow😘)

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