Ch. 16 - Go Green

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I made everything worse help idk what to do help help help help help help

I'm rewriting this chapter and I wrote it in July sos I don't remember

"Go, Green! Reduce, reuse, recycle!"

I jump up from the bleachers and cheer loudly as Wren runs to the end zone for a touchdown. He does his touchdown dance, looking as he twerks and whips all at once.

The school student section continues chanting, "go, Green! Reduce, reuse, recycle!"

It's their chant for my brother, and I personally think it's hilarious. Wren isn't a huge fan, but there's not much he can do about it.

"I hope coach puts Zander in," Sam yells over the loud cheers. "The game is kind of close though. I don't know if he'll do it tonight."

The game is very close. If the other team scores another touchdown, the game will be tied. The game was supposed to be an easy win, but our team isn't looking too good at this point.

We sit down on the bleachers, the cold bench freezing my butt. Sam wraps her blanket around the two of us to keep us warm as the sun sets.

"Hey, Riley. I was looking for you."

I look over to Sara, Wren's tutor and crush. She's decked out in school spirit, a smile on her face. I like Sara, I do. She seems different from the other girls he dates; she actually seems nice.

"Hi. What did my brother do?"

"Nothing," she laughs. "This is kind of weird for me to ask, but I was wondering Wren ever had a girlfriend?"

"Yeah," I say truthfully. "He had like fifteen girlfriends in August."

There's no point in lying to Sara. I want to protect Wren and his heart, so I can't have Sara thinking he's this great, holy guy when in reality he's a man-whore.

If she can accept his flaws, then I can accept her for my brother.

She nods, her smile fading slightly. "I think I already knew that."

"But," I pause, "he has never acted the way he has around you before. I think it's because he actually likes you."

Her eyebrows scrunch together as she tries to make sense of what I've just said. My brother is a confusing man, and she'll have to get used to it if she wants to be with him.

"Basically," Sam decides to cut in, "Wren wants to be with you so he's pretending to be all cool and distant and not make the commitment. He's worried you'll break his heart because he has never actually given his heart to anyone else."

I pat Sara's back with a serial killer smile. "Make sure you don't break his heart."

"Okay," she says, her eyes a tad bit wife. "Well, have fun, ladies!"

"We will," Sam and I chime at the same time.

Once she's gone, Sam asks, "how the hell did a smart girl like that fall for Wren?"

"Hey, be nice to Wren?" I order. "He's not that bad."

"Yeah, Wren is a great guy! Unless we're talking girl wise. He's a complete assho-"

The crowd gasps and stand up. I look to the field, spying a small crowd of players surrounding a boy. Coach runs onto the field and waves over the emergency crew.

"Who is it?" I ask to no one in particular, nervous and sick at the thought that Wren could be hurt.

Just as I think this, the announcer starts, "number seven, Wren Green is hurt in the field. He seems..."

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