Chapter 3

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My head was banging, clearly I had drunk way too much last night. Looking over at my alarm clock that was yet to go off I realised it was only 7am, I should be asleep for another hour at least, Why was I awake?  

I decided it would be best if I got up rather then went back to sleep otherwise I'd end up oversleeping and missing my classes. I pulled my half naked body from under my nice warm duvet and headed for the bathroom. I caught a glance of Niall at the kitchen counter eating as usual as I walked down the hallway, but I couldn't be bothered to talk yet. It was too early!  

I closed the bathroom door, locking it behind me. Niall had a habit of coming in when I was in the middle of a shower and taking random photographs. He is a weird one! But whatever keeps him amused. 

I pulled off my Calvin's and threw them into the wash basket in the corner of the bathroom. As I jumped in the shower I let out a very girly shriek. It was freezing! Niall had obviously been in here before hand and for some reason the kid always took cold showers. He really was weird! I adjusted the temperature and lathered my body in soap. I noticed my back didn't hurt so much today, thank god! Rinsing the soap off, I shampooed my hair then washed that out. Nice and fresh.  

I grabbed a towel from the rack and wrapped it around my waist. My stomach let out a loud growl informing me it was time for breakfast. I strolled into the kitchen feeling a little better after my shower, but my headache was still there. Maybe I should take some pain killers? I rummaged through the cupboards until I found what I was looking for. These will do!  

I poured myself a glass of water and swallowed down two large painkillers. I pulled up a seat next to Niall, making myself a bowl of cereal from the contents of what Niall had spread across the counter top. Cheerio's will do! I looked at Niall who was smirking at me. What did he find so funny?  

"What you smirking at?" I asked curiously. 

Niall just chuckled lightly to himself, which was a first because whenever Niall usually laughed it wasn't a small chuckle it was a loud boom of laughter. 

"Oh nothing." Niall chuckled again taking a mouthful of his cereal. 

"No come on Ni, something's obviously amusing you?" I questioned his laughter again. 

Niall shook his head, chewing down on his mouthful trying not to laugh and spit it everywhere. Something was really amusing him. 

"It's just well, I was remembering something from last night." Niall eventually spoke up. 

"Do you fancy sharing?" I asked a little confused. 

Niall immediately burst into a loud boom of laughter. This was the Niall I knew and sometimes loved. 

"What, what is so funny?" I asked again getting a little impatient. 

"Well it's just erm," Niall began between laughing "You and Harry seemed. Close. Last night."  

Suddenly all my memories from last night came flooding back. Talking to Harry in the kitchen. Harry asking to kiss me. Me agreeing to let him kiss me! Then Liam coming in drunk and interrupting.  

"What you talking about man? We were just hanging out!" I hid my awkwardness hoping he wouldn't notice. 

"Seemed a little more than hanging out when I walked in." Niall smirked. 

Then more memories came back. After I tucked Liam into bed we were standing in the doorway. I moved in toward him. I kissed his neck! Then he pinned me to the doorframe! He leaned in to kiss me. Oh damn yeah that's when Niall ran in bundling us to the floor. 

Uni Boys [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now