Chapter 31

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Beep, beep, beep. The sounds of a loud machine woke me up. My head was pounding. The last thing I remember was a loud bang. Then darkness. And now from the looks of things I was in hospital.

"Sir, sir can you hear me?" someone asked

I focused my vision to see a man in scrubs looking over me flashing a light in my face.

"What are you doing?" I asks covering my eyes from the light

"Mr. Tomlinson you were in an accident and it looks like you might have a concussion!"

An accident. Wait yeah I remember. I took my eyes off the road for a second and then that loud bang, that must have been the crash but then I don't remember what happened after that. Wait Eleanor!

"Where's Eleanor?" I shouted

I sat up quickly in bed which was clearly a bad idea. I felt dizzy and sick almost instantly. I gripped my head with my hands and breathed deeply.

"Mr. Tomlinson we're going to need you to stay seated. You hit your head very hard!"

Some loud beeping echoed from next door and the doctor quickly rushed towards it.

"She's crashing!" someone shouted

It's like I must have known who it was and what was happening without thinking I jumped up from the bed and pushed my way passed the doctors surrounding the female body. My heart sank at the sight in front of me.

Eleanor was covered in blood and stripped down to her underwear; something was sticking out of her shoulder. Some kind of large pole type object.

"What's happening? Is she going to be ok? Is the baby going to be ok?" I screamed into the room

Tears began flooding from my eyes. I couldn't stop them the thought of losing my baby after just finding out about it was heart retching. Nobody answered me. They were running around frantically. Before I knew it I was being pulled out the room by one of the doctors.

"Mr. Tomlinson there is a chance that Miss Eleanor isn't going to survive but there's a chance we can save the baby."

"A chance!" I screamed

"We need to operate. Get the baby out now. If it's strong enough then it'll survive. How far along is she?" he asked

"7 Months!" I told him what Eleanor had previously told me

"That's good. High chances." he was interupted

"WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" someone shouted

The doctor didn't even say goodbye. He rushed back to the bedside as I stood head throbbing. I watch on as they wheeled Eleanor from the room. I followed all the way to the operating room, rushing to keep by their side.

"I'm sorry this is as far as you can go!" a nurse told me

"No I have to be there for my baby!" I told her

"There's a spectator's room through there." she said pointing to a side room

As soon as she said it I rushed up to the room. It was a small space with a glass wall of which I could see the whole operating theatre. They began to wipe some weird solution over Eleanor's belly; I think it was used to clean the area. She was covered in blood and cuts. The large pole still stuck in her shoulder but my child was more important right now.

As I watched on and they continued to sterilise the area I was joined in the spectator's room. I turned and a couple of friendly faces caught my eye. Zayn and Perrie.

"What are you doing here?" I collapsed into Zayn's arms

"They phoned Perrie and said you were in an accident said it wasn't looking to good for Eleanor!"

I nodded my head that was still placed in Zayn's chest. Perrie quickly wrapped her arms around us both and squeezed tight as she sobbed with me. I couldn't believe this had happened. My baby could die!

"The baby?" was all Perrie asked

"We don't know yet until they get it out!" I answered sadly still crying

I was tucked under Zayn's arm with Perrie the other side of me as they made the first cut on Eleanor. I could just hear what they were saying through the thin glass.

"There's too much blood!" I swore I heard someone say and that made my heart sink

Had something happened to my baby? Was it going to be ok? Just then 2 more familiar faces joined us. Niall and Liam.

"I'm so sorry Lou!" Liam pulled me into his arms

But what was he sorry for? Nothing had happened yet, we didn't know if anything was going to happen all we knew was that they were trying to deliver and save my child!

"Sorry for what?"

"I called Harry. He had to know!" Liam confessed

Oh god Harry. I hadn't even thought to call him. He hated me right now. Why would he care if I was in an accident? If El or the baby died!

"Oh!" I answered


That sound made my heart stop itself. No it can't happen, not with my baby still in her. I began to bang on the glass as doctors rushed around blocking my view of what was going on Liam and Zayn tried to hold me back. I smashed my fists violently into the window trying to get their attention but they were taking no notice.

Liam pushed me back into the wall behind us as the sound continuously echoed that awful sound. That sound meant she was dead! Her heart had stopped beating and that meant if she was dead my baby had no chance still inside her. I slid hysterically crying down the wall I crashed my head back into the wall forgetting about all pain I had but the heart break I was feeling.

"LOUIS LOOK!" Niall shouted

I scrambled to my feet as the speed of light. My breath caught in my throat at the sight in front of me. Through the glass a doctor was holding up a baby. A naked baby. A baby boy. Just at that moment a scream erupted from his lungs as he took his first breath. And with his first breath I breathed one of my own.

I almost fell straight back on my arse, id been holding a breath for so long then finally taking in a new one caused me to lose my balance for just a second. Luckily Perrie caught me before I caused myself any real damage. Once balanced on my feet I ran from the spectator's room and out into the corridor. Only to run straight into someone. Harry!

"Whoa, what are you doing? You should be resting!" he grabbed me into the tightest hug ever

He was hugging me. He was here and he was hugging me. I would have stayed like this forever if I could have but right now I had a new man in my life and he needed me more than ever.

"I have to go Harry I'm sorry!"

"Wait what?" he shouted

"It's a boy. I have a son" I shouted back as I ran around the corner and into the theatre room with no thought

"Sir you can't be in here!" a nurse called.

"That's my son!" I shouted at her.

After a few seconds of wrestling to get passed nearly every doctor they told me I could see him. They had lead us from the theatre room and onto a special ward for premature children. He was placed into an incubator to keep him warm. He was so tiny and so fragile.

I sat and stared at him for hours, never leaving his side. I wasn't allowed to hold him just yet so I just stared. A doctor had come and told me that Eleanor hadn't made it due to blood loss and the severity of her injuries. They also said the police would be by to talk to me later.....

Uni Boys [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now