Chapter 30

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Louis POV

It was getting later and later and Harry still wasn't home. Id texted him and tried phoning him but no reply. I wonder where he had got to. It wasn't like him to just disappear and not say anything to anyone. Id phoned around the boys but no one said they'd seen him. Where had he gotten to?

Just as the thought crossed my mind my phone buzzed from the coffee table, quickly picking it up I assumed it was Harry and swiped open the message without looking at the sender.

Need to talk. I'm coming over!

What why would Harry need to tell me he was coming over? He lived here! It wasn't until I look at the sender that my heart fell.

From Eleanor

What the fuck was she doing texting me? I don't want to talk to her. She almost ruined the best thing ever to happen to me and now she 'wanted to talk' she doesn't deserve my time. I'd just thrown my phone back on the table when the doorbell rang. I got up from the sofa in a huff because I still didn't know where Harry was and it was annoying me if I'm honest.

I pulled the door open in one swift motion to reveal the one and only Eleanor Calder. Wait hang on. No this can't be right. She's. She's pregnant!

"What. The. Fuck!" I whisper in a state of shock.

"Before you do or say anything please let me explain!" she asks in a begging manor.

At this point I don't even say anything. This feels like some fucked up dream that I really want to wake up from. Like right now! I step to the side allowing her entrance to the apartment. She walks through the living area and takes a seat. I don't know what to do with myself so I just pace frantically up and down the living room.

"Lou please sit down!" she says

I don't answer. I don't know what to do or say right now. This seriously can't be happening. I even pinch myself to try and wake up. This has got to be some kind of nightmare.

"Louis please!" she actually begs

I look at her for a second and then take a seat on the coffee table sat in front of the sofa she's sat on. My hands are trembling and balled into tight fists. My leg shakes as it sits on a nerve. Her posture seems similar to mine. Her hands are shaking and her body tense. But she seems more nervous than pissed off.

We both sit in silence for at least 5 minutes before any of us talk.

"Lou I erm."

"Don't Lou me. And don't give me any excuses. What are you doing here?" I snap at her.

"Well isn't it obvious!" she says and points to her belly.

"What? No. You said nothing happened. You said you lied and nothing happened between us!" I screamed at her now standing again

"I had to say that Louis. You were so mad and Niall."

"Don't bring Niall into this. And I saw the test. It was negative. That thing isn't mine. You seriously need to stop lying Eleanor!" I snapped again running my hands through my floppy hair.

"I'm not Lying Louis. This child is yours!" she shouted just as someone walked through the door.

"Oh no no no no no!" I screamed running to the front door.

But it was too late. Harry had heard everything. He stood frozen as tears streamed from his eyes and rolled down his rosy red cheeks.

"Haz. I erm. Harry please say something!"

Uni Boys [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now