Chapter 32 (The Last One)

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A/N. Hey guys YOU NEED TO READ THIS. This is unfortunatly the last chapter of Uni Boys :( (sad face

Im going to miss you wonderfull peoples :D xoxo J xoxo


"Mr. Tomlinson an officer is here to see you."

I reluctantly left my baby boys side. I didn't want to leave him at all but this needed to be sorted. I walked quickly outside joining two officers that looked surprisingly happy to see me.

"Mr. Tomlinson we have good news for you. It seems the accident was in no way what-so-ever your fault. The crash was caused by a known underage driver who admits to driving under the influence and swerving into your lane causing you to crash." An officer tells me

My face brightens even more, I was so glad none of this was my fault. I was worried it could have been as I took my eyes off the road just for that second, but now I knew it wasn't I felt a wash of relief brush through me. I thanked them and they went on their way. I quickly returned to my chair in the room next to my boy's bed. My eyes were heavy and tired. It must have been at least 1am. I let my eyes close for just a second.


"Good morning Mr. Tomlinson. Would you like to hold your baby today?"

Immediately I was wide awake. I could hold him. They were going to let me hold him!

"I'd love too!"

"Now it will only be for a couple minutes as he is still very weak and needs the incubator to help him but he is strong enough for a little hold." the kind nurse smiled at me.

Very cautiously the nurse lifted my boy from the small see through incubator. He was tiny. I still didn't know how much he weighed or the exact time he was born, but for now I just wanted to hold my boy.

I sat back in my chair as the nurse placed the tiny creature in my arms. He was so amazing. Like a tiny person. He was real and he was mine. I examined his tiny hands and feet. As I placed my finger near his hand he gripped it tightly. I looked down with tear filled eyes as he looked back up at me. His eyes were just like mine, already a stunning bright blue. I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love for this small child that I could call my son.

"Hey!" a deep voice croaked into the room

I looked up to see Harry standing in the doorway. His eyes also filled with tears as he saw me holding my boy for the first time.

"Hey." I replied

"Can I come in?" he asked and I nodded

Harry POV

I walked over slowly. I couldn't believe the sight in front of me. It was so beautiful. They were so beautiful. As I got closer I could see the perfect features this small boy held in resemblance to his daddy.

"He's beautiful. Just like his daddy!" I told Louis

He smiled up at me widely.

After finding out about the accident the thought of loosing Louis forever cracked me inside. There's no way I could carry on my life without him. I need him and he needed me. Not only that, now there was a baby involved. A baby with no mother. But maybe, just maybe he could have 2 daddies.

Louis POV

"Does he have a name?" Harry asked

"Erm no. Not yet!" I answered

After everything that had happened I hadn't even thought to give him a name. Eleanor just died last night. We hadn't even had a chance to talk about names with all the shit going on. But Harry was right he needed a name.

"I like Tommy!" I told him

"Tommy. I like that!" Harry answered

"Ok Mr. Tomlinson we're going to have to put him back now!" the nurse told me as she took him from my arms.

Immediately they felt empty, tears began to stream down my face. My poor boy had to stay in this awful place rather than at home with his daddy. But I swear to myself I will not leave here without him. He will pull through this, I know he will.

"Can we talk?" Harry asked as I stood watching the nurse adjust Tommy's wires

"Yeah sure." I answered following him outside having one last glance back at my boy.

Once outside the room we were free to talk without the worry of waking baby or any of the others that slept or were wired up.

"Haz I." I tried to talk but he interrupted me

"No Louis listen. When I found out about the accident so many thoughts flew through my mind. I didn't know what was going to happen to you and just the thought of never seeing you again. Never holding you again broke my heart. I know this isn't the greatest time but I can't lose you. Everything that happened has happened and is in the past. I want to be in your life." Harry explained

I can honestly say I wasn't expecting any of that. I thought he was going to tell me we were done for good and he never wanted to see me again. But he didn't. He wanted to be in my life!

"Haz I love you. I am so sorry everything happened like this," I spoke as tears fell constantly from my eyes "I never planned for any of this to happen. And it shouldn't have happened this way but it did and right now I wouldn't change anything for the world. I have a beautiful baby boy in there."

"We have a beautiful baby boy." Harry interupted

My heart skipped a beat at that comment. WE he said WE have a beautiful baby boy. He wanted us to be in his life. He wanted to be a family!

"Do you mean it?" I sobbed trying to wipe the tears from my eyes "You want to be in our lives?"

"Our son is the most beautiful baby in the world. Of course I want to be a part of his and your life." Harry told me

Wrapping my arms tightly around his neck I crashed our lips together. He wanted me back. After everything I done to him he was willing to forgive me and raise OUR son together. Right now I was the happiest man on earth. Never again will I do something so stupid. I'm not going to fuck this up. For my sake. For Harry's sake and most of all. For Tommy's sake!

"I love you." Harry whispered

"I love you too!" 

Uni Boys [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now