Chapter 6.

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Harry POV

I smiled as I pulled from Louis lips, I hoped he wouldn't freak out to much but I had to ask him. I needed to know how he felt.

"How was that?" I questioned.

He looked shocked. Shocked that we kissed, shocked that I asked him. Maybe he didn't know how to feel. After all he was a proclaimed 'Ladies man'. But that still doesn't explain the way he looks at me sometimes. Like I'll catch him staring into my eyes like he never wants to look away. Then when I flirt with him he always flirts back. I sat waiting for an answer. Louis opened his mouth to speak.

"Guuuyyyyys." Niall screams running into Louis room uninvited.

Damn you Niall talk about 'great' timing. He was just about to answer. I was about to find out how Louis felt about the kiss. That amazing kiss!

"Yes Niall?" I sighed.

He was bouncing around like a little kid; he was obviously excited about something.

"Liam thinks we should all take a trip somewhere, it would be awesome. Please say you're up for it!" Niall said with such excitement.

"Yeah I'm on that!" Louis answered first

"Yeah me too," I also replied "Who else we inviting?"

"I was thinking El and Zayn and maybe a couple of El's friends!" Liam added as he walked into the room standing next to Niall.

"Yeah sounds good, when you thinking we should take this trip?" Louis asked Liam.

"I was thinking after this week seeing as we got a week off." Liam replied.

He was always so organised. Always had a plan. Typical Liam but that's why we all loved him.

"Better get planning then Payne," I announced jumping to my feet "I best be off, got things to do."

Louis, Liam and Niall all saw me out and said goodbye as I walked back to my place near campus.

Liam POV

Right so as usual it was down to me to arrange this trip but honestly I didn't mind. I was the most organised out of everyone and if anyone else tried to arrange it the trip would not happen!

"Right I best be off to, go a trip to arrange." I announced standing at the door where we previously waved Harry off.

"See ya later mate." Louis said shaking my hand leaving Niall and I only on the doorstep.

"Do you have to go?" Niall asked in a sad voice.

He looked so cute when he made his sad face, but I had to try and resist those gorgeous eyes of his.

"Ni I've got to sort this trip out otherwise it won't happen!" I tried to explain.

"But I don't want you to go yet!" Niall pouted

Damn this boy was too cute to resist. With his bleach blonde hair and cool blue eyes. And to think this guy was all mine.

"Ni I've got to do this now, stop trying to distract me. How about I take you out for dinner one day this week, my treat?" I asked him

"You sure you can afford to feed me?" Niall chuckled at the thought of his appetite.

I joined in with his laughter, it was so infectious. This was one of the reasons I loved him. He always knew how to make me laugh even if we were laughing at his appetite.

"Of course I can. Anything for my Nialler!" I replied.

I gave him a quick kiss goodbye and made my way out of the doorway and off to my apartment. I knew if I stayed any longer Niall would have convinced me to stay and I needed to sort out the arrangements for the trip.

When I got to my apartment I made a glass of water and sat down on my worn down couch. Right Liam think! I got out my phone and decided it would be best to make a note of what I needed to do.

1. Find a place to go

2. Invite people

3. Arrange transport

4. Pay for trip


Now I had my list sorted I best get started. First things first where will we go? I search for no more than 20 minutes before finding a beautiful Log cabin holiday that wouldn't be too expensive. Sure it would be a bit of a squeeze but I doubt people minded sharing.

I pulled my phone back from my pocket and typed in a message;

To El, Harry, Louis, Dani, Niall, Zayn, Perrie

Hey guys found the perfect holiday sight only going to cost about £50 each 

Are you interested?  

Let me know so I can book it for next week 

Love Li xoxo


Niall, Louis and Harry instantly replied with a yes seeing as they already knew I was arranging it. El texted back next saying it was a great idea. Zayn replied with a simple ok. Then Perrie texted saying she was with Danielle and they were both u for it and were very excited.

Right now that was sorted, we needed transport. Who drives? Hmm. Louis drives. Right that's one person. I know a couple of the others have licences' too so maybe we could rent a small mini bus or something and take it in turns driving.

Now all that was left to do was get everyone's money together and pay for the trip. Then a whole week of peace away from Uni. Bliss!


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Asking 3 Votes for the next chapter please its not many


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