Chapter 14

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Louis POV

I woke up half dress in an unfamiliar bed, where was I? Oh right yeah Harry's place. But how did I get in bed, last thing I remember I was on the sofa dozing off in Harry's arm. Maybe Harry put me here.

"Morning handsome!" A husky voice enters the room carrying a tray.

"Hey." I smile back at him.

He was dressed in just a tight pair of boxers, I could see every detail of his shape between his legs, but I tried not to stare bringing my gaze to those amazing green eyes.

"I made breakfast!" he says placing the tray on my lap.

I knew I could smell something good. Sausage, Egg and Bacon. Lush! I'd been told about Harry's cooking from Niall but I'd never actually tasted it. But if it tasted as good as it smelt. Then I knew id enjoy it.

"Dig in!" he tells me.

I oblige and my god does this taste like heaven on a plate. Harry should really consider being a chef or something because this food is delicious. I devour the plate of food in minutes it was that good, Harry just look on in amusement as I finish my last mouthful.

"That was so good, I really enjoyed that!" I tell him

"I can tell!" he chuckles wiping something from my chin.

Must of been a bit of food but I laughed along with him.

"Thank you Hazza!" I say kissing his cheek

A little pink blush feels his cheeks as I pull away and smile at him. He looked so god damn cute blushing, and it's not something I got to see that often. Usually he was the more dominant one with mine and his relationship. Seeing as I was completely unaware of how to have a relationship with a guy. It was all new to me!

"You're very welcome. Anything for my boo!" Harry replies sweetly.

That causes me to blush. I loved it when he called me boo. When we were arguing he kept calling me Louis and it hurt so much when he did.

"I missed you calling me that!" I explain quietly

"Well you won't have to miss it anymore boo!" he says with a cheeky grin."You need to get up you have classes in an hour. Have a shower and I'll drive us to class!"

Harry gets back up from his seated position on the bed and takes the tray in his hands, leaving the room with it. I can't help but watch him as he leaves. His boxers tight around his butt, the muscles in his back so defined and prominent. I feel my little friend down there start to grow as I watch my boyfriend's backside wiggle out the room. Time for a shower!

I turn on the shower and make sure it's quiet cold, after all I need something to help get rid of this throbbing hard on. I don't even think Harry understands how hard he gets me and that's without even trying. I want to give myself to him. I want to touch and caress him but I'm not ready just yet.

After the shower my thoughts and my body has cooled down. I wrap a towel around my middle and walk back into Harry's room.

"Hey Hazza, can I borrow some clothes please?" I shout loud enough so he can yeah me.

I hear a 'yeah sure' shouted from the other room that he must be in. I open up a draw pulling out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I decide not to borrow boxers as that may be a bit weird so I'll go commando. I pull the shorts up and then the T-shirt over my head. Ruffling my hair between my fingers I check myself out in the mirror. It'll do!

"You look good in my clothes!" Harry tells me as I walk into the kitchen to find him washing up.

"Thanks babe!" I reply.

Uni Boys [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now