Chapter 5.

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I can't believe I ran off like that, Harry properly thinks I'm a right weirdo now. Niall's going to ask 21 questions as soon as he's home. And I don't have a clue what I'm going to tell him. I can't tell him I ran off because Harry nibbled on my ear and it turned me on so I had to run away before I ravished him. Why is this even happening? How did a guy turn me on? I like girls; I'm attracted to girls not guys! 

I was laid sprawled out on the large couch in the living room staring up at the ceiling, humming a random tune I didn't even recognise out loud. I was startled when I heard the front door slam shut. Great Niall's home here come the questions! I took a deep breath and lay there waiting for Niall to walk in and question me. But nothing!  

"Niall?" I shouted through the flat. 

There was no answer. I got up from the couch and walked into the dimly lit hallway. I still had no shirt on but I had put on a new pair of boxers as mine were wet from swimming earlier at the beach. 

"Dude you there?" I asked as I heard things being moved around in the kitchen. 

It must be Niall, they were in the kitchen. Niall's always in the bloody kitchen. I walked closer to the kitchen door way. I began creeping on my tip toes as I heard noises get louder. Maybe someone broke in? I was even more shocked at what I saw!  

Niall was in the kitchen. But he wasn't alone! He was kissing someone, very passionately I might add. Who was it? I couldn't quiet see! I moved slowly round the door frame. Niall was obviously oblivious to anything else going on around him. I saw his hands move up and around the persons face, holding them tightly and very close together. 

I bumped into something causing a loud BANG as pans fell from the draining board and onto the floor. 

"Bollox!" I shout whispered but it was too late. 

Niall and his 'friend' had turned around. But to be honest I think we all stood there in shock. My mouth hung open, almost touching the floor. 

"Niall. Liam!" I gasped. 

"Louis." Liam replied as he lowered his head. 

Niall just turned a crimson red. His mouth wide open as if he wanted to say something but couldn't get the words out. I stood on the other side of the kitchen just as shocked to see them as they were to see me. Had Niall forgotten I lived here or something? Maybe he thought he wouldn't get caught? But back on the subject. I just caught Niall making out with a guy. Liam to be precise.  

"I erm. I should go." Liam spoke up. 

He went to leave but Niall grabbed his wrist pulling him back so he wouldn't go anywhere. He gave him one of his signature looks, which made everybody melt. Liam smiled and stayed where he was. 

"Lou. I erm. I think we should have a chat!" Niall finally said. 

I didn't quite know what to say. So I nodded and walked to the living room. Niall and Liam followed behind me. I sat on the arm chair opposite the couch that they sat down on. 

"Right erm. Where to start?" Niall said. 

"From the beginning would be good!" I replied.  

Niall looked at Liam and Liam looked at Niall. Then they both turned and looked at me. Awkward much! 

"Louis first I just wanna say, please don't hate me. I didn't mean for this to happen!" Niall explained. 

Hang on why would I hate him. He's my best friend I could never hate him. I sat silent for him to continue what he was saying. 

Uni Boys [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now