Chapter 29

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Perrie POV

"Zayn babe I have to go. I'm supposed to be meeting Dani and El in less than 10 minutes." I shouted from the kitchen loud enough so Zayn could hear me in the bathroom over the running water.

"I won't be a minute!"

"You said that 5 minutes ago." I laughed

I love Zayn to pieces I really do but seriously this guy spent more time pampering himself then I do, and I'm a girl. He'd been in there nearly an hour and now I was running late. He said he'd give me a lift as the weathers not looking to great. The ride there will only take 15 minutes but Dani had said this was important and I needed to meet them soon as.

"Zayyyynnnn!" I moaned in a childish voice.

With that he appeared out of the hallway and in the kitchen doorway. As always he looked perfect, his jet black hair tucked neatly in a high quiff, his facial hair neatly trimmed around that amazing jaw line.

"Alright I'm ready, let's go." he chuckled picking up his keys from the kitchen counter.

I grabbed my bag from the side next to where Zayn's keys previously sat and followed him out to the car. I slid into the passenger seat next to Zayn as he shifted into gear and pulled out the driveway.

"Why the rush today?" Zayn asked

"To be honest I don't know. Dani said that it was important and I had to meet her an Eleanor soon as I could." I replied also confused as to why they were rushing me.

"Oh ok."

The journey was silent apart from the music playing softly on the radio, some random band was playing, they sounded alright but not really my kind of music.

"Here we go!" Zayn announced pulling up outside the cafe on campus

"Thank you baby," I replied kissing his cheek "I'll be home later ok."

Zayn nodded and I jumped out the car with one last quick kiss goodbye. He drove off quickly probably to go back to bed, as I walked into the cafe. I scanned the scenery looking around slowly for Danielle and Eleanor. Then I see two dark curly haired girls sitting with their backs to me. That's them.

I walk over at my usual pace, people around the cafe wave and say hello. Everyone is so friendly and knows everyone; I nod my head in acknowledgment to a few people as I walk closer to the girls.

"Hey Dan, hey E."

I literally stop in my tracks. My words stuck in my mouth. No this can't be!

"Oh hey Pez, sit down." Dani tells me

But I am stuck. Like my feet are rooted to the spot I am stood on. This couldn't be could it? No she said she wasn't. I try to talk but the words are just stuck in my throat.

"Look Pez I know this is a shock but can you please sit down and let me explain!" Eleanor pipes up.

"I erm. I"

"Please!" she asks again with pleading eyes

I take in a deep breath and compose myself. I pull my feet from the position they were stuck in and take a seat opposite Danielle and Eleanor. Still confused as to what sits in front of my eyes.

"So erm this may be a bit of a shock to you but erm. Your one of my close friends and I need you to know!" El starts but I interrupt her

"Right hang on. Before you even think about saying anything else. Does HE know?" I snap at her

I know I shouldn't be mad right now but I was told about all of this when it first happened a few months back. She said nothing happened and it wasn't true. Why would she say it then deny it and it is in fact true?

"No!" she answers

"Then what the fuck are you doing here telling me when you should be telling him!" I begin to shout.

I can see she's upset but I'm mad as hell. He's one of my close friends and this could ruin him. Finally things were going right for him. Now she comes back to Uni like this. This is going to kill him!

"Perrie please calm down." Danielle asks me

"How can you even been so cool about this Dans. This isn't right!" I snap at her.

Danielle just lowers her head; I can tell she is thinking everything I am. But she's never been one to get involved. She just sits back and tries to help if she can. Me on the other hand, if I think something's wrong I'm going to tell you about it!

"Perrie please just understand. I."

"I don't want to hear your excuses Eleanor. This isn't right!" I say standing up and walking away.

I can't believe what I just saw and then she tries to make excuses for it. That's just so wrong. And the fact that he doesn't know is even worse. I storm out of the cafe and speed walk back toward Zayn's place. I don't care about the rain pouring right now. I didn't want to be near her.

As I walk about 5 minutes up the road I accidently bump into someone.

"Oh sorry!" I mumble and carry on walking without looking to see who it was.

Harry POV

"Oh sorry!" she said but didn't look up at me.

I wonder what was up with her. Perrie never walked that fast, and she didn't even say hello. How rude. I decided to ignore it and continue my walk to the cafe, I was starving. I hadn't eaten all morning and it was now lunchtime. The cafe better have some good food today.

Once inside I reached up and pulled down my dripping wet hood. If I knew it was going to rain I would have just stayed home and cooked, but I was already half way here when it began so I thought may as well continue walking. I placed my jacket on a hook and walked to the counter to order some food.  I glanced around taking in my surroundings as I waited to be served. No one that I really recognise, I turn my head to the woman behind the counter.

"What will it be love?" she asks politely

"I'll have burger and chips please." I answer pointing at the food in display

She dishes up my order and places it on a tray, as I walk along I pick up a fork and some ketchup then pay the woman standing at the end of the ordering line. As I look around for a place to sit I see a familiar face.

"Danielle!" I shout across the crowded room

She turns and gives me a freaked out look. Her face is literally dripping with fear. I begin to walk toward her when I realise exactly why she looks so scared. I am literally 10 foot from a standing Danielle and a well. A pregnant Eleanor. WHAT THE HELL!

The plate I'm holding dramatically slips from the grip of my large hands and hits the floor with a loud crash. Danielle is still as scared as ever, I can see her eyes watering at my reaction. She must know exactly what I'm thinking. Everyone in the cafe is now staring at us all. But I'm frozen. I feel a hot sweat cover my body and I begin to feel faint!

"Harry are you."

I didn't hear the rest of what she said. I was gone. I ran as soon as my feet would move. I ran as fast as I could outside. I fell to my knees in the curb of the road, retching and gagging. Small amounts of fluid and bile foamed in my mouth as I spat it on the floor. Luckily I hadn't eaten today otherwise that would have been a lot worse.

I move myself from my knees to a seated position on the curb, my head in my hands as tears begin to fall. He told me it wasn't true! He said it was all a lie! How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me!

I got to my feet after about half an hour of sobbing and feeling sorry for myself. There's no way I was going to stick around here with people like that. I now had so many emotions running around in my head I didn't know what to do, so I just started walking! 

Uni Boys [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now