Chapter 26.

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Harry POV

It has been 4 days now since all the drama at Louis and I still hadn't heard from him. I know how stubborn he could be so I decided I would be the bigger person and go over his to talk to him. It was 5pm and I had finished all my classes for the day. I knew Louis only had one class today so I knew he'd either be at home or out with Niall.

Niall was the only one who he'd spoken to in the last few days. But it was because of Niall I hadn't gone over there bugging him. Niall had phoned me and said Lou needed some space, and that's what I gave him. But after 4 days, even though I was pissed at him for going after Eleanor and not staying with me. We needed to talk. I missed my boo bear too much.

I went home and changed into something more comfy then my sweaty clothes I had worn all day at Uni. I pulled on a pair of baggy sweats and a V neck T-shirt, and then made my way out the door. Only to find Louis sat outside on my doorstep.

"What are you doing here?" I asked curiously

"We need to talk!" He announced

This did not sound good. When someone tells you they need to talk either their breaking up with you or someone has died. And since we knew the same people and I knew no one had died there was only one option left.

"If you're going to break up with me I don't even want to have this conversation." I snapped at him without letting him talk

"What Harry no. Don't be silly. Can we go inside please?"

I opened the door again and went inside followed by Louis. He really didn't seem very happy. His usually blue eyes were red and puffy from crying. His face had patches over them from the crying also. I sat down and patted the seat next to me. Louis sat and turned.

"Right, erm Haz. I need to tell you something and your proberly not going to like it but you have to let me finish before you jump to conclusions and think the worst. Can you do that?" Louis told me.

I nodded my head in agreement; I was very confused at this point. I didn't think anything was truly wrong between us. I thought it was just a little lovers tiff and we'd kiss and make up and everything will be fine. I guess I must be wrong!

"You going to tell me then?" I asked after a long awkward silence.

"Right erm ok. Before we were together properly and we had all that drama at the cabin. Do you remember?" he asked and I nodded.

"Well after you left and refused to talk to me I kinda went off the rails. Now if at any point you don't believe me you can ask Niall he knows how I can be. But anyway, I thought I'd lost you, I thought id fucked everything up and wouldn't get the chance to tell you how I really felt."

"But you did." I interrupted

"Harry please just listen." he asked and I used an invisible key to lock my mouth

"I honestly thought you were never going to speak to me again. So I drank and I drank a lot. Back when I was a little younger it was my way of dealing with things. To block out everything. I would drink so much I would black out. Do you understand what I'm kind of saying?" he asked

I nodded my head again. Ok so Louis was telling me about how he used to get drunk and black out to the point where he didn't remember things. Everyone done this. But what did this have to do with me, with us?

"I had gone out for the 3rd night in a row, and got stupidly drunk. I was in the local club completely out of it. I don't even know how much I drunk or how much I spent. But El was there and we got talking. She comforted me and I told her everything, about how I felt for you and I was confused because I didn't think I felt things for guys. Well I never had until I met you but, I explained everything and she sat and listened." he took a deep breath and continued. "We spoke for ages at the club, when it was time to leave she took me home. But that's all I remember until the morning. Now this is the part where it's going to bother you but remember Harry listen before you jump to conclusions."

Ok, now I was nervous. What would I jump to conclusions about? What was he so worried about telling me?

"I woke up the next morning in nothing but my boxers and El was lying next to me in her underwear. I racked my brain for days trying to remember what had happened that night or if anything did happen. Then the other day at my place when she stormed off and I went after her she told me she was pregnant!"

"WHAT?" I screamed at him

Instantly I was angry. Was he really saying this? Had he actually slept with her and now she was pregnant with his child? I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Haz please just listen!" he asked

I composed myself on the outside enough to hear him out but on the inside I was screaming. Even though we weren't together at the time, I couldn't believe he would do something like this to me. I nodded my head for him to continue and he did.

"I went mental at her and left her sobbing in the street. But the next day I knew I had to talk to her. I phoned her up and got her to come over. I tried to talk to her and make her tell me what had happened but she didn't say anything. I dragged her to the shop and brought a pregnancy test. When we got back to mine I made her do it. By this point Niall had found us and was talking to me about everything and trying to calm me down," Louis took another deep breath "Eleanor came out the bathroom with the little stick in her hand, she didn't say anything at first but eventually she stormed out after telling us the test was negative."

As he said that. Negative. A huge sigh of relief filled me. My stomach was in knots still and I felt sick at the thought of them sleeping together but she wasn't having his baby. That was a good thing!

"But you slept with her Lou!" I said with a whimper as a single tear escaped my eye.

"No, no, no, no, no. Damn it. Niall shouted at her and forced her to tell the truth. It turns out Niall had explained to her about my drunken black outs. From what I can work out she figured out where I had gone that night, stalked me when I was at the club and then persuaded me to let her back with me. But I didn't sleep with her. She said nothing actually happened." He explained quickly

"So nothing actually happened? Honestly?" I asked.

"No. Eleanor said it didn't. From what Niall and I could work out she had put this whole plan together to try fuck us up and I would go crawling to her. She's a fuck up babe." he said the last bit so bitterly

So now my head was fucked. I don't know what to think. Louis had just told me this whole story about his black outs and El pretending to be pregnant. This was a lot to take it.

"Louis, wow that's a lot to take in. How could you be so carless? You could get seriously hurt or even hurt someone else with these black outs." I told him and he lowered his head.

I felt bad for him I really did but he had brought this on himself. But no matter how mad I was at him he had got up the courage to come here and tell me this. Even though he was risking our whole relationship not knowing how I would react.

"Lou look at me!" I told him but he didn't listen

I placed my hand under his chin and brought his gaze to mine. Blue meeting green once again.

"Lou, listen to me now ok!" I told him and he nodded."I love you so fucking much and it scares the shit out of me that this could have been a very high possibility. You are and idiot. But you're my idiot. I really appreciate you telling me the truth and I hope you understand that I am very mad at you. But I love you and nothing will ever change that."

Louis grabbed me and pulled me into the biggest tightest hug he'd ever had me in. I wrapped my arms back around him and hugged back. It felt good to have my boo in my arms again.

"Haz I am honestly and truly sorry that you had to hear all of that. I promise I won't drink like that again. I love you and I don't want to lose you."

"You'll never lose me boo, I love you too."


Hey guys guess what ive started writing a new fanfic Its called Class Trip would love for you guys to check it out, it has Niam in it :) 

P.s. Im having some writer block on this story and i dont want to disapoint in not updating quickly for you guys. Do any of you have any sugestions to what you want to happen. PM or comment!

Thanks you gus are brilliant !

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