Chapter 25

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Louis POV

I hardly got any sleep last night; my brain was completely wrecked after what El had told me I was in complete shock! I don't know what to think. It shouldn't have even happened. It was the biggest mistake I had ever made, even before I had found out about the baby yesterday. That's if there even was a baby! I knew I had to talk to Eleanor. I needed to see for myself before I even thought about confessing anything to Harry.

I don't even know what I would say to Harry, I don't remember much from that night. I was wasted and El knew this. But I had to see her, I had to talk to her and find out. I picked out my phone and dialled her number. It rang a few times before she answered


"It's me!" I snapped still angry

"Oh hi."

"El we need to talk."

"I know."

"Can you come over?"

"Yeah I'll be there soon."

I hung up the phone and placed it back down beside me. I rubbed my temples as I looked at the state of my place. It was trashed from last night antics, not only had everyone left pizza boxes and rubbish all over the place. When I finally got home I lost it. I had smashed the place to pieces. There was glass everywhere from the TV and picture frames, my wooden coffee table was split in two, there were several fist shape holes in the walls. Wow I really lost it!

I tried to tidy a little but every time I moved something it just looked like I moved it and not tidied. I gave up after only 10 minutes I really wasn't in the right mind to be clearing up, not with everything spinning through my head.


I yelled telling El it was open, I knew it would be El. I wasn't expecting anyone else. I had been avoiding everyone else's phone calls all day.

"Hey." El said sheepily as she walked in with her head down.

"Hi." I answered.

I didn't really know what to say, what could I say?

"So erm. You said you wanted to talk!" El asked

"What is this El? We had one night together that I don't even remember doing anything like that. The you turn up here and tell me you're pregnant!" I snapped as anger build through me

"I. Erm. I." she stuttered

"Are you even pregnant?" I half shouted

She glanced down at the floor avoiding my gaze. Why wasn't she answering me? Why wouldn't she look at me?

"Eleanor." I shouted "Are you even pregnant?"

"I think so." she whispered

"YOU THINK SO. HOW CAN YOU THINK SO. YOU EITHER KNOW OR YOU DONT!" I screamed in her face as the anger took over.

Eleanor began to cry; she dropped to her knees and cried. Curling herself into a tight ball. I couldn't care less right now. All I wanted to know was if she was pregnant or not and if it was mine.


WOW this girl was really pissing me off, sobbing into her arms. How did she think I felt? I know for a fact that after our 'supposed' encounter, that amazingly only she can remember. She had slept with other people. Dani and Perrie spoke about how she was going off the rails and sleeping around.

"Louis. I. I."

"Get up." I told her.

She didn't move so I grabbed her arm and pulled her up and back outside. There was a little corner shop down the road, we was going there. We'll get a test and she can do it in front of me. I held her arm firmly in my hand as I paced up the street to the store.

"Louis, please let go you're hurting me!" she sobbed but I didn't listen.

We arrived at the store, receiving dirty looks from all by standers doing their usual shopping. Eleanor sobbed as I frantically threw things from the shelves before finding the thing I wanted. A pregnancy test. I grabbed it and paid. As I held the test in one hand I pulled Eleanor with the other. She stumbled and tripped as she tried to keep up with me.

"Louis, what an earth are you doing?" Niall snapped catching us walking down the street.

He pulled Eleanor from my grip and wrapped an arm around her.

"Niall mate don't; I'm not in the mood. She needs to come with me, now!" I snapped back at him

El just stood there sobbing into his shoulder, did she really not realise that this is her own fault; she was to blame for all this not me! I grabbed El's arm and pulled her from Niall's grip and then into my flat.

"Do it!" I forced handing her the test

She took it, but didn't move. She just stood there frozen. I glared at her as Niall followed us into my place. I didn't care if he was there or if he knew. I needed to know the truth.

"DO IT!" I yelled

My eyes widened and my face changed from a little angry to fuming. Eleanor must have noticed this and ran toward the bathroom. Niall walked slowly up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Lou, you need to calm down." he told me


He fell silent finally realising my right to be angry. His face filled with sorrow and sadness.

"Did you sleep with her Lou?" he asked

"I don't know." I sighed sitting on the couch and placing my head in my hands.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I was wasted. After I argued with Harry at the Cabin. I spent most of my time getting drunk. El happened to be at the club one night and was comforting me. Next thing I knew I was waking up next to her in nothing but my boxers." I explained.

Niall let out a disappointed look, he hated it when I drunk because he knew I would drink too much and do something stupid. El came out the bathroom holding a little white stick, her eye was still watering and her hands were shaking. I still didn't care about her. All I cared about on that stick was the result.

"Well?" I asked


I must have jumped as high as the roof. My body filled with relief. She wasn't pregnant. I wasn't going to be a dad to a child I didn't want. If I wanted to have kids I wanted to have them with Harry, not Eleanor.

"You can go now!" I announced.

"You can't treat me like this Louis, what if I was pregnant?" she moaned

"But your not are you?" Niall butted in sticking up for me "What happened El? That night Louis was wasted. You know he has black outs, I'd told you about them before. What actually happened?"

"YOU KNEW ABOUT THE BLACKOUTS!" I screamed at her again

"I erm. I." she didn't finish her sentence

"ELEANOR!" Niall screamed

"NOTHING. NOTHING HAPPENED!" she cried and ran out the door.

Oh My God! Thank fuck for that! I didn't do anything. All that drama last night was just Eleanor looking for attention, trying to get to me. She succeeded in doing so, but thanks to Niall we got the truth!

"Cheers Ni." I thanked him and pulled him into a hug

"It's cool man. But you are going to have to tell Harry!" He explained and I nodded.

"I know. I just don't know how I'm going to do that yet. I don't know how I am going to explain that El made all this up to try and hurt me. Then I'm going to have to tell him about the black outs."

Niall nodded a nod of understanding and hugged me tight, I knew he understood and I know he will leave it to me to tell Harry but I needed to work out how I was going to do that.

Niall and I spent the rest of the day cleaning up my apartment; everything was sorted apart from the holes in the wall. I'd have to get some filler of some kind to fix them but for now, I could now live here again!

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