Chapter 21

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WARNING ! SMUT. Hope u like it 

 Harry POV

"Well last night was interesting." I said turning to my boyfriend who was laid across my lap on the sofa.

"Yeah. Niall's got a bit of a temper!" Louis explained.

"It's cool. He was just sticking up for himself and Liam!" I added.

This was right. Niall may have lost his rag but if someone had said anything to me about Louis and me then I would have lost it just as bad. Even though Niall and Liam are just friends, I think. The guy had no right to say shit to them like that.

"So what are the plans for today boo?" I asked Louis

"I was thinking lazy day!" he answered with a smirk.

I liked the sound of that. We never really got to spend the day together just the two of us, usually we had at least one of the others with us. So it would be nice to have some alone time.

"Great idea!" I smiled.

Louis flashed me one of his heart stopping smiles back and I couldn't help but swoon over the fact that my boyfriend was gorgeous. I was still honestly shocked that he was even my boyfriend. Louis had never been attracted to guys before, yet we just being together seemed to just happen and we clicked so well.

"So what first?" he asked snapping me from my thoughts.


"Yeah, I'll pick!"

Louis got up from my lap and made his way to the DVD rack to choose a film, he shouted out a few names before we finally decided on one. The Lion King!

"I love this film." he squealed sitting down on my lap.

I loved how child like he was sometimes. He just didn't care; if he wanted to pull a silly face he would. If he wanted something he couldn't have he'd throw a tantrum until he got it. It was just the way he was and I loved every bit of him.

But of course I hadn't told him this yet. There's no way I could tell him I loved him, he'd freak out and properly leave me.

I strung my arm over his shoulders as he snuggled back into my chest, it was just getting to the part in the film where Scar kills Mufusa and I could already hear Louis sobbing. I must admit I had a tear in my eye myself but I couldn't help but mock Louis.

"Aw my boo getting upset at the big bad Lion!" I joked.

"Shut up." Louis slapped my chest as I chuckled softly at his reaction.

He looked so damn cute when he was sad, which yes I know that might sound odd but everything about this guy was either hot, cute or just plain sexy.

"It ok baby, I'll protect you from Scar!" I teased

"My saviour." Louis joined in on my joke.

I kissed his forehead as we continued to watch the film, singing along to the songs as they each played, they were really catchy.

The film had come to an end and Louis was still singing the random songs as he pranced around the kitchen making some lunch. I watched him twirl and spin as he pulled items from the fridge laying them on the counter.

If anyone had walked past the window they truly would have thought he was mad or something, but I found it entertaining.

"What are you doing Tomlinson?" I questioned his movements jokingly.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm dancing" he laughed

When he had finally got all the ingredients for his sandwich he stopped dancing around the kitchen but never really stood still. He wiggled his hips and tapped his foot as he spread the butter on the bread. He had so much energy today.

Uni Boys [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now