:A Surreptitious Relationship: Chapter Thirty-Six

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My nose wrinkled up in disgust as I entered the hospital, the putrid smell stinking up the air. All that medical cleanliness mixed together really left an unmistakable scent in the air. It was almost as bad as nursing homes. To make it worse, it was pouring rain outside, so that scent mingled into it as well.

“If you don’t like it, why are we here?” Chris demanded moodily, doing his best to ignore the receptionist that was definitely checking him out.

“I told you, Chris,” I responded, rounding on him with a frown and my hands on my hips. “Aaron’s practically helpless in that bed. Even if it’s in a public place like a hospital, Shawn could somehow get to him.”

Chris turned his nose up at me. “It’s not our business.”

“Stop being a brat.”

“Coming from someone five years younger than me.”

“Four and some months,” I corrected stubbornly. “And just so you know, you saying that makes you sound like an old man.”

He scowled, slowly advancing on me. “You little…”

Laughing, I ducked under his outstretched arms and jogged over to the receptionist, who gave me the impression she’d realized Chris wasn’t free. “We’re here to see Aaron Lemaiy,” I told her, pointing back at Chris. “Holly Evers and Chris Heywood.”

“Okay, I’ll just need you to sign in,” she responded, pushing a clipboard toward me. “Please remember visiting hours close at four today.”

“Really?” I said brightly. That meant we only had to be here for two hours before it was safe to leave!

Grumbling under his breath, Chris signed the paper before handing me the pen he was using. Carelessly, I scribbled down my name. It was barely readable, but I could care less. They never checked the papers anyway. After we received the O.K to head up to his room, I grabbed Chris’s hand and led the way.

“Now be nice,” I ordered in a scolding tone, holding my finger to his face.

He rolled his eyes, pushing my hand away. “Stop treating me like a child.”

“I’m doing it so you don’t act like one.”

“You know why I do it, Holly.”

My hard expression softened and I gave his hand a squeeze. “I know, but you can’t keep a grudge forever.”

“It won’t be for forever,” he replied, shaking his head. “Just until I feel like he’s made everything up to you. Although it will take awhile. There’s nothing he can do to make up for the words those… girls said to you,” he finished, obviously omitting a vulgar word and using girls instead.

I stood on my tiptoes so I could give him a quick kiss on the lips. “Thank you, Chris.”

He waved his hand in dismissal, immediately turning his head away from me. “You don’t need to thank me.”

Brushing my bangs out of my face, I turned back to Aaron’s room and knocked before opening the door. “Hello!” I chirped cheerfully.

“Holly! Hi!”

I blinked, my eyes snapping to Aaron. He just stared blankly at me. His expression didn’t match the sound of his voice…

“Over here!”

I turned my head, my gaze now landing on Lexi. She grinned and waved. “What are you doing here?” I inquired, furrowing my eyebrows. “I thought you were going on a date with Lance today…?”

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