Something's Gotta Give

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 I was now sitting on one of the benches inside the Pizza Factory playing with my phone waiting for my Dennis to give me my one on one. School was kicking my ass and my hours at the pizza factory were still insane, but I still managed to balance my friends, work and relationship something I never thought myself capable, last year me would be so proud. Luckily I had people in my corner who were willing to help me with assignments, but I seriously couldn't wait till I am done with school and this job and all the people who work here besides Rico of course. And with graduation right around the corner I was already sending in my resume to various accountant positions and even some internships and between the few i did over the past breaks I feel like I have a great change of getting a career once I was free from university.

"Anastasia Clark get in here!" I heard Dennis' nauseating voice calling my name so I quickly got up and walked toward his office.

"There you are! I swear you are always slacking." Dennis said while checking me out I swear this man is a pig, I roll my eyes and enter his office.

"What is she doing here?" I question looking over at Nicole who was sitting in the chair adjacent to Dennis'.

"She's the assistant manager, since she is with you more than I am i asked her to join me." My eyes were probably going to get stuck in the back of my from rolling them so much. Nicole just smirked looking at my obvious displeasure.

"So let's start how do you think you did this month?"

"Well. All my numbers are perfect across the board and I have had my named mentioned everyday I work on yelp... so I think I'm doing great."But Now it was Nicole's turn to roll her eye.

"This is true, but I feel like something is missing." I was so tired of this, not to toot my own horn but I am a model employee. I'm never late, customers love me, i get my work done and I even get other people's work done too and all they do it point at my flaws. Nicole has had a problem with me since I first started and there was no reasoning behind it; Dennis on the other hand it was truly misogynistic he felt that since he "gave me a job" I should give him a blow job; I shit you not he honestly suggested one the first week I was working here. I know I should've told HR or someone but he told me no one would believe me and I'd be jobless so I didn't; luckily his advances stopped after that he now just creepo starred.

I knew they were waiting for me to say something so "What could be missing?" I ask ready to throw a chair through a window.

Nicole gives her unwanted two cents "Well... you don't seem to be to friendly to the other staff members you are standoffish to everyone but Rico."

"I didn't know I was hired to make friends? I thought I was here to serve pizza?"

"It is but it has been brought to my attention that you maybe creating a hostile work environment."

"Excuse me?"

"It means people don't like working with you because you bring negativity."

"Yeah.. I know what it means but that is a load of crap. I am the hardest working employee here. I may not talk to them but I am cordial with everyone. If anything they don't like me, I can't tell you how many times I walk by and someone has something negative to say about me, and I don't say anything or complain because it doesn't matter; I'm here to do a job. Not to mention they don't seem to think I'm hostile when they ask me to take their shift or not show up at all so i end up working three doubles in a row. So I have no idea what you guys are talking about." After my rant they are both staring at me like I lost my mind even though they know it's true.

"Yeah but..."

"But nothing. I'm doing what I'm suppose to and exceeding expectations so I feel there is nothing else to say."

"Are you doubting out authority?" This seemed to happen every time I had a problem at this place they would call me in, I would try and explain myself and I would get called for being "opposing management", usually I would say no and take whatever they gave me but after talking to Sebastian and him telling me you should question and defend yourself if you believe you are being treated unfairly.

"I'm not doubting you. I'm simply saying instead of hearing both sides you immediately jump to one conclusion." That an obvious favoritism but I wasn't going to go that far.

"Sounds like doubt. If you don't like what we are telling you can leave. We don't need that type of negativity here." Nicole smirked this is probably what she wanted this the whole time.

"Are you firing me? For defending myself?" I asked in disbelief

"No one is getting fired here. All we are saying is try harder to get along with your coworkers."

"Okay... If they have a problem they can bring it up to me. I'm not doing anything to them; I seriously come in work and leave like I'm suppose to, but I'm sorry I will not go out of my way to be even more cordial than I already am to people who obviously don't respect me."

"Well..." Nicole was about to say something but Dennis put his grubby hands up quieting her.

"Fine. You are dismissed." I give them a brief smile before getting up and leaving the room as soon as I get out I take a deep breath because his room always smells like cigarettes and ass and I can never breathe properly.

I hate this place is replaying in my head as I clock out and leave for the next 5 days since they decided not to schedule me.  

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