Caught in the Act

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This idea won't leave me here you're welcome

You let out a long sigh into the empty living room of your new home with Jai. He was away promoting Terminator: Genysis and you were home all by yourself. Even though he would be home later this week, it seemed like it was longer than a few days.

You stare mind numbingly at the tv trying to find something on to distract you, everything on every channel reminded you of Jai, everything evoked memories of him. It was tearing your heart further apart. You groan and settle on a random music channel and turn it up so that the place didn't feel so lonely.

You crack open your laptop and browse facebook for a bit before a particular discussion you two had resurfaced:


"Now babe, I want you to promise you won't do it" Jai stared into your eyes and clasped your hands between his.

"Why are you so afraid? What's the worse that could happen?" you asked him

"Y/N you need to trust me, it's for your own good, do not google my name while I'm away" he said each word slowly as if he were talking to a child, this mildly annoyed you

"I hate it when you do that, talk to me like a child, I'm a grown woman Jai, you're fiancee' is a GROWN WOMAN," you said enunciating the last two words.

"Babe, I'm not saying that you aren't, I'm just saying it will upset you"  Jai reasoned
"Okay, I promise," you said as you quickly crossed my fingers behind my back.

"There's my girl," he said kissing you on the  forehead, you grimace

"Your lips do not belong there"  you reminded him as you lightly pat your lips
"Oh darling, there are MANY places my lips belong" he growled seductively before pressing his lips to yours.

You feel his tongue swipe across your bottom lip wanting access and you willingly give it to him, the hot muscle works its way inside your tongue and you reward him with a groan. You protest when he pulls away with a final nibble your lip.

You pout your lip before Jai takes between his and gives a light suck and then releases.

"That's not fair" you whine then thread your fingers through his hair trying to bring his mouth back to yours.

"Trust me, it's hard for me too" he winked and you snort at his double entendre.

"Promise me you'll phone when you get settled" you request as you scratch at his stubble lightly and he leans into your touch.

"I always do don't I?" he asks, you nod.

He places a final kiss to your nose before grabbing his suitcase and walking out the door.

~End of Flashback~

You find yourself sighing again the memory. You decided to do a google search on him, hey you had your fingers crossed so technically you were keeping your word.

You bite your lip in anticipation as you type 'Jai Courtney' into the search bar, your fingers tremble slightly as you hit the search button. You are bombarded with images and articles of Jai, mostly shirtless, you can't argue with their taste. Some of the pictures were of his Instagram page and you giggle because you appear in almost all of them. 

You notice a few links for something called "Fanfiction" pop up, you have heard about fanfiction but never really read any. Like Alice, you decide to jump through the rabbit hole and click the link.

Your mouth gapes open at the content, some were devoted to the many characters's he's played, more, in particular, Eric, you find yourself breathing rapidly at what Eric was doing. You already felt an all familiar heat began to form between your legs, you blaze through them one right after the other, you become like a woman possessed needing more of this, wanting to devour every syllable and, more importantly, wanting to devour him.

Your mouth begins to water as you allow your mind to be transported into each story, putting yourself as the female character, you moan softly and lean back in your chair clad only in one of Jai's shirts still smelling of him, you lift the fabric to your nose and inhale deeply. The aching need in your core needed to be addressed. 

You quickly made your way to the couch and lay down snuggling into the plushness and you pull the shirt over your chest up to your neck wanting to smell him as you pleasure yourself. You lightly caress your breasts and tweak your nipples your restless hips move desperately seeking friction, You moan lightly and then remember you are alone and moan louder, and you caress your thighs, and tease yourself playing with that bundle of nerves before quickly plunging a finger inside yourself before quickly withdrawing, repeating the same action until you are pumping yourself quickly climbing the mountain of pleasure, you feel your walls clamp down on your fingers and your climax slams into you and you arch your back moaning loud  you slow your fingers allowing yourself to experience the delicious aftershocks. 

You smile groggily to yourself before you curl on your side and fall asleep.

When you awake you are draped in a blanket, you roll to your back and slowly blink clearing your mind, it doesn't take long for you brain to realize that if you are in a blanket, which means you are not alone. You slowly sit up and you see Jai casually reclining in the computer chair. Your eyes widen as you see that you didn't close the browser window. 

"Jai" you smile
"Y/N" he responds politely, his eyes dark

"You're home early," you say
"It would appear so" he chuckles but the timbre of his voice sends shivers up your spine.

"How long have you been here?" you ask looking at your fingernails
"Long enough," he said before he slowly stands and begins making his way over to you. 

He slowly settles himself next you, you let out the breath you didn't know you had been holding. He smiles and then takes your fingers and begins to kiss them lightly, then pins you with his gaze and slides the first two in his mouth, your eyes roll in the back of your head before you can gain your composure. His eyes darken with lust, then you realize those are the fingers that were inside of you. You groan and bite your lip. He slowly released them with one final swipe of his tongue.

"You had your fingers crossed didn't you" he whispered, you nod dumbly
"I knew you would, did you find anything interesting?" he asked with a sweet smile on his face
"Yeah," you say as you clear your throat awkwardly.
"I see, that must've have been why I saw you lying there in my shirt touching yourself" he thinks out loud, you give a quick nod
"You saw me?" you feel your cheeks burn with embarassment.
"Oh yes," he confirmed licking his lips
"Are you mad?"you mutter

Jai doesn't respond with word, he responds with his mouth on yours, his tongue invading your mouth, his rough hands caressing your skin as he slips his shirt off your form. You match his intensity with your own. You quickly reach for his buckle as he slips his shirt off, you quickly push his jeans and boxers down his hips, he is thrusting inside of you before you know it, you scratch at his back, and you know you both won't last long, you feel him coming apart as he makes sure you follow him. He moans loudly and gives slow thrusts and you feel another wave of pleasure hit you. He rolls to his back bringing you with him, you feel him slip out and he brings your back to his chest and kisses your neck.

"Oh by the way, welcome home" you yawn snuggling closer
"Best.present.ever" he says his voice groggy.

There you go, spur of the moment, I was doing research for my first Divergent book and a picture of him was on the website, his biceps are quite distracting.

Please let me know you guys haven't been taken by aliens or turned into zombies. I like to hear feedback.


Ace X

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