~The Missing Vowel~ (Mature)

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Can you find the missing vowel? A E I _ U... Keep this question in mind while reading this...

You had just started a new relationship with actor Jai Courtney, it was exciting and passionate the two of you did everything together, whatever did it would always end the same way, with a heavy make-out session on the couch.

His hands felt amazing, his full lips were made for kissing and biting, but you would always push him away when things began to get hot, you lost count of how many times had to go to take a cold shower at his place.

You liked Jai a lot, but in past relationships things never worked out in the bedroom, you never reached orgasm, you would often have to fake it, even when you touched yourself you could never climax.

You connected with Jai on so many levels, but you were afraid that he would end up the same as the others, once they had found out that you were faking it and never orgasmed the relationship would die out, and it would break your heart if it happened with Jai.

Tonight was another typical night, Jai had taken you out for dinner and now you were on his couch making out.

You moan as his delectable mouth nipped and sucked your neck, his hand cupped your breast through your dress, his thumb caresses your nipple, you run your fingers through his hair and pull his lips back to yours, his tongue tangling with yours.

His hand travels up your dress and began to toy with the waistband of your panties, you quickly push him away.

"Y/N" he groans throwing his head back in frustration.

"I'm sorry" you apologize hanging your head.

Your cheeks flush in embarrassment and tears fill your eyes.

"Y/N what's wrong? Please talk to me" he urges

"I want to have sex with you Jai, I do, but...I can't" you whisper softly

"Why?" he asks cupping your face gently

"Because I've never had an orgasm" you confess

He stares at you for a moment

"What?" he questions a small smile on his lips.

"I've never had an orgasm" you repeat again

"Is there a reason? Did something bad happen to you?" he asks

"No nothing like that, it's just that in past relationships no one could ever get me there, even when I would touch myself, I still couldn't orgasm" you admit, wiping at your eyes.

"Y/N look at me, please?" he pleaded softly.

You meet his gaze and are immediately relieved when you saw the concern in his eyes.

"Why are you afraid?" he questions

"Because, when they found out that I had to fake it things were never the same and eventually the relationship would end" you confide.

"Honey, I'm not them, and if you let me I would like to try tonight" he urges gently.

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