~For the First Time~

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I wanted this to be a fluffy piece and I personally am proud of it. This series of one-shots will be coming to an end, I'll be posting one more one-shot then I'll be starting a new series of one-shots basically a sequel to these plus I'll be starting a series of Horror/Supernatural one-shots for Halloween. If you have any requests or any suggestions on what you like to see just send me a message. You can also hit my blog up at bookwarm85.tumblr.com. I love feedback, you can also submit requests there. Hope you enjoy it!!!

You stand there in front of the mirror changing into your little pink teddy with matching panties. Your long brown hair flowing past your shoulders in loose curls. Tonight was the night that you gave yourself to Jai. You were about to make love for the first time and this both excited and scared you.

You hadn't been dating anyone for over three years, and a mutual friend introduced you to Jai at a local party, you two had hit it off really well, you two eventually started going out and that was over 6 months ago. You had explained to Jai about things that had happened to you and that you wanted to take things slow, he was very understanding about it.

Then a night a few months ago you had decided that you were finally ready, so you went to the doctor to be put on birth control and told Jai you were ready. He had told you he would plan the night out and make sure everything was pleasurable for you.

After dinner, you had excused yourself so that you could change into something more comfortable, knowing what you had purchased for the special night.

You pulled on the silky pink robe and secured the sash, took a deep breath and exited the bedroom.

Jai was sitting on the bed still dressed in his light blue button up and khakis, but there were candles lit around the room, and soft music playing. He grinned at you, you took a step towards him trembling.

"There's no need to be scared, love" he held out his hand for you to take it.

You found reassurance in his touch, he pulled you to him and hugged your waist, and swayed you to the music, a light giggle erupted from you, and you felt yourself relax.

"I want you to do something for me will you?" he asks his eyes searching yours

"Of course..." you say

"I want you to undress me, I want you to touch me, don't be afraid" he instructs you.

You bit your lip nervously but nod in agreement.

He stands up and puts his arms to his side. You look up at him for permission and he nods with a smile.

You run your hands up the fabric of the shirt and smile when you feel his muscles twitch in response, your fingers slide the first button through the hole and more of his hair chest was exposed, you lightly scratch at it and you hear a purr emit from him taking this as encouragement, you continue to expose more of his body to your hungry eyes.

You finally reached the bottom of his shirt, you pull it from his arms, he was now naked from the waist up. You run your fingers up and down marveling at the feeling of his smooth yet firm flesh. You look at him and gasp as you see the color of his eyes intensify, you feel him toy with the sash on your robe, you smile.

"May I take this off?" he asks seeking your permission

"Yes," you nod.

He's fingers tug at the knot until it gives way, he then pulls the sides open to reveal your teddy and matching panties, he bites his lips and sighs through his nostrils, as he pulls the silk from your body.

"Is this for me?" he asks quietly

"Yes, I wanted tonight to be special for you too" you admit shyly.

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