~Cry to Me~

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This song was inspired by the song "Cry to Me" by Solomon Burke. Please enjoy!

Neither of you remembers how the fight started but by the end of the argument you both were seething with anger, the pair of you were both as stubborn as the other one and in your stubbornness you both refused to swallow your pride and apologize.

It had been raining and you were still at the office trying to finish up the last file on a high profile case, it was very important that you finish it by the next morning.

Jai had just returned from a long movie shoot and was a little grumpy, you have been together for three years and you knew he always became grumpy when he was tired, like a socialized two-year-old. You would laugh at him because for a man his size to act that way was ridiculous and adorable.

He had called your office begging you to come home early.

"Come on Babe" he begged his Austrailian accent was laced with exhaustion

"Honey, I'm almost done" you reassure him feeling like a Mother telling her child that dinner is almost done.

"But can't you do that here, I've been gone for six months, that's a long time for a man to be away from his beautiful and sexy girlfriend" he purrs.

He knew how to persuade you and how to push your buttons and that was what he was trying to do now.

"Oh I see, so six months isn't a long time for a woman to be away from her sexy Aussie boyfriend?" you counter

"Baby" he whined.

His tone was beginning to grate on your nerves, you had a long day at the office and there was nothing you wanted to do more than go home and crawl in your fluffy bed with your muscular boyfriend, but you also wanted to keep your job, Jai had insisted that you didn't have to work because he would take care of whatever you wanted or needed. But you didn't want your relationship to be that way, you wanted your own money.

"Jai" you warn in your best matronly voice.

"Y/N" he grumbles

"You do realize that I could have finished by now if I wasn't on the phone dealing with my grumpy boyfriend?" you inform him

"Oh, so you're saying it's my fault that you put things off" he scoffs

"Excuse me? I do not put things off" you argue

"Yes you do," he says a smug tone to his voice.

"Name one thing" you demand

"Okay, how about putting that bookshelf together," he replies

"Oh you mean the massive bookshelf that WE ordered when I moved into YOUR place?" your voice raises an octave.

"Yeah that would be the one" he replies

"Okay, first of all, that thing is freaking massive, and secondly, you were supposed to help me but did you? No, you jetted off to do a photoshoot with a leggy blonde who didn't seem to mind pawing all over MY boyfriend" you blurted out

"Wait, you're jealous" he chuckles lightly

"No, I'm not," you say a little too quickly.

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