~Need a Hand? (NSFW)

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Hey, my lovelies it's been quite a while, I'm so sorry for not posting, I've been very ill these past few weeks. I'll be posting a few updates to apologize!!

You and your roommate/best friend Jai have always had a playful relationship, it was easy to be playful with Jai, you always flirted back and forth much to the disappointment of his girlfriends, you had to admit that you often felt guilty when his relationship would end thinking it was because of you.

But lately it seemed that Jai was finding little excuses to touch you, whether be a peck on your cheek or a pat on the back, he always seemed to have to have some physical contact with you, and if you were being honest with yourself it was making things very tense between you two.

Each time he would touch you it was like he would send tiny sparks through your body, you were even beginning to fantasizing about him at work, your boss had called you into his office for a lecture about paying attention at work.

Today was no exception, you were staring at your computer screen watching as the cursor blinked at you, your mind far away, thinking of how he would show up while you were working, the only one left in the office- and he would shove the things off the desk, and take you right there, you bit your lip as you moan loudly.

"Y/N?" you heard a voice say.

You straighten up from your slouched position. It was your supervisor, you mumble an apology and resume your work. If you keep this up you'll be out of a job. When work was finally over, you gladly made your way home.

You weren't prepared for what you saw as you walked through the door. A shirtless Jai in lounge pants with his feet kicked up on the coffee table watching a cooking show, you groan and lower your head and walk to your room.

"Hey Darling," he says smirking at you

"Hey," you mumble as you walk by.

You kicked your heels off and dug through your dresser to change into some loose sweats and an oversized t-shirt, your hair shook loose from its updo and you put into a loose ponytail. You make your way back out to the living room and plop down next to Jai.

"How was work?" he asks

"Typical, my supervisor watching my every move" you grumble

"Darling, you've got to stop nodding off at work" he chuckles

"I'm not sleeping at work Jai" you grumble

"What are you doing?" he quirks an eyebrow

"I'm not telling you" you argue feeling heat bloom on your cheeks

"We've always told each other everything," he says hurt evident in his face.

You instantly feel bad and decide to tell him.

"Okay, I have these daydreams at work," you tell him

"That's normal, I sometimes do that when I'm bored in interviews" he shrugs

"These are more like fantasies than daydreams" you admit

He takes in your flushed appearance and a grin breaks out on his face.

"What kind of fantasies?" he crosses his arms and tilts his head toward you.

"Sexual fantasies" you murmur.

His intense gaze making you squirm, he motions for you to continue.

"Sometimes I'm at work in these fantasies, I'm working late and he comes to work and pushes everything off of my desk and takes me right there, but it's not just that, it's like he claims me for his, he marks my body with his teeth, tongue, and lips." you tell him

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