~Mint Chocolate Chip~ (PG)

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I've been focused on writing a dramatic piece and wanted to take a break and write something fluffy, and here is the result! Love you guys, be sure to vote, comment, and add! 

P.S. it's short

You groan loudly as you make you way through your front door, both arms full of things you have bought for the baby. The typical LA heat had you huffing and puffing, of course, you were also 8 months pregnant. You had worn a maternity maxi dress, even piled your hairinto a topknot but still you were overheated.

Jai was on set filming, so you had decided to shop for some baby things, he didn't mind if you shop by yourself as long as you did some shopping with him as well. You walked towards your bedroom and laid the bags on your bed.

You slip out of your dress and step into a cool refreshing shower,you groan as the cool water hits your heated skin, you change into one of Jai's shirts and pajama shorts. You braid your wet hair to the side and walked to the living room, You settle into the deep cushions the couch and turn the television on finding something to distract you until Jai returned home.

Near the end of the movie you hear the alarm disarm and knew that Jai was home, you hear him come up behind you, you raise your arms up as he leans down and kisses you, you turn around so he can kiss you properly.

"Hello Darling" he murmurs against your lips

"Hi Sweetheart" you reply

His massive hands caress your stomach.

"How's our little one today?" he asks and quirks a playful brow

"Oh she's great," you tell him placing your hands over his.

"How was work?" you ask him

"Work's work..." he shrugs.

"What did you go today?" he asks

"I did some baby shopping, can't wait to show what I picked up"you inform him

"I can't wait to see, I'm going to grab a shower," he said beforepecking you on the forehead.

You sigh in happiness as you select another movie to watch, but wait to play it until Jai is out of the shower. You absentmindedly rubyour stomach and feel the little life inside kick at your hand. You giggle and wince a bit.

"Hello little one" you giggle again

You are rewarded with another kick against your hand, you felt her squirm around as if she were trying to get your attention.

"You hungry little one?" you ask her. Kick!

You pull yourself to your feet and waddle towards the kitchen. You open the freezer door and there you see it, the thing you've had a craving for since you found out you had a life growing inside you, Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, your mouth began to salivate as you grab the carton and a spoon.

You waddled back to the couch, settled the carton against your bump and opened it your taste buds anxiously awaiting, you look into the carton  and found that it was empty disappointment filled you. You looked forward to the minty chocolatey goodness that had awaited you, your bottom lip quivers and tears begin to slide down your cheek.

You hear Jai's feet thud across the floor, you smell his body wash and you instantly relax. He settles down next to you on the couch,wrapping his arm around you.

You hide your face from him with your hand.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asks concern etched across his face

"Nothing" you sniffle

"Y/N, something is wrong...now tell me what it is" he caresses your cheek wiping the tears from it.

"You'll think it's silly" you murmur

"I won't...I promise" he vows

"We are out of Mint Chocolate Chip" you murmur quietly

"What?" he frowns

"We are out of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, and I really want edit...and I'm crying over stupid ice cream" you wail loudly.

Jai bites his lower lip to keep from smiling at just how cute you are and wraps you in his arms, you can feel him vibrate and you pull back to see him chuckling, you couldn't help but smile back and playfullyslap his chest.

"You promised" you giggled

"I promised I wouldn't think it was silly...never promised I wouldn't laugh...it's just so adorable" he squeezes your cheeks before planting a kiss on your lips.

You thread your fingers through his hair and try to deepen the kiss but he leans away. You pout, and he shakes his head before standing up and grabbing his keys.

"Where are you going?" you ask him

"To get some mint chocolate chip" he informs you with a wink before heading out the door.

You giggle and rub your belly once more.

"How'd we get so lucky?" you asked her


"I agree" you giggle.

 You couldn't stop the smile from forming as you waited for the man you love to return with ice cream.

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