Swear Jar

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This is pure fluff, I need fluff in my life right now, I apologize for going AWOL for a little bit, I'm working on a full-length story that wasn't flowing right and I had to strip it down and start again, then my a family member sustained life-threatening injuries after she fell 20 ft. So it's been pretty wild. But Thankfully she gets to come home in a few days.

So, after that long explanation, this story idea was just too cute not to write. Please let me know what you think. I can use all the positivity I can get right now.

It was an average afternoon when you received the call from your son Charlie's preschool, the secretary had informed you that there had been an incident involving your son and another child, and you were needed to come down for an"emergency" meeting with his teacher. You were shocked because Charlie was a such a sweet child.

When you arrive at the school you findMrs. Larson and Charlie sitting on a bench outside the principal's office. Charlie had his head hung low and was swinging his small legs back and forth. Mrs. Larson sat beside him, she was a kind older woman who Charlie liked very much.

"Charlie" you call out his head jerks up and a grin spreads across his face.

Charlie was a carbon copy of Jai, he had dirty blonde curly hair and slate blue eyes. He was a  charmer like his father.

"Momma" he exclaims before running to embrace you

"Hey, Charlie" you greet him as he throws his arms around you.

You hug him back and chuckle as he runs back to the bench.

"Hello Mrs. Courtney" Mrs. Larson greets

"Hello, please call me Y/N," you say shaking her hand

"Y/N" she repeats

"Can you tell me why I'm here?" you question her

"Well, charlie and Eric were on the play mat playing with a toy truck, apparently Charlie didn't want to share, so Eric took the toy from him and Charlie then called him a very bad name" she explained.

You glance at Charlie and he looks at you innocently.

"Charlie" you scold him

"We've already had a meeting with Eric's parents" she informed you

"What name did he call the little boy?" you ask her.

"Well, it begins with F and ends with an ER," she says

"Charlie" shock evident in your voice

"I can assure you it won't happen again," you tell her taking Charlie by the hand

"I'm sure it won't" she smiles

"Say Goodbye to Mrs. Larson," you tell Charlie

"Bye," he waves his small hand.

Once you had Charlie secured in his car seat and were on the way home you decided to question him.

"Charlie, do you understand why Mrs.Larson called Mommy?" you ask him

"Yes, I called Eric a bad name and it's not nice to call people bad names" he answered

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