The cycle never stops

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When something just keeps happening over and over again, and you've just had enough, so you're left with putting a stop to it...

I love you,

I hate you,

I miss you,

I get you back,

I love you,

I hate you,

I miss you,

I get you back,

It's the same thing,

Over and over again,

I don't understand it anymore,

All these 'mistakes' you make,

All the things you do when you you know you're in the wrong,

Betray me,

Lie to me,

Tell me it was a 'mistake',

Tell me you love me,

And I take you back,

Because my feelings are too strong to just let go,

Nobody's perfect,

Everybody makes mistakes,

But not the same ones continously,

It's always the same,

You betray me,

Lie to me,

Tell me it was a 'mistake',

Tell me you love me,

And I just keep taking you back

Like you just keep making these 'mistakes',

These feelings for you,

No matter how much you hurt me,

Will not go away,

They'ree too strong,

But you can't be too strong to let go,

So there won't be another 'mistake',

Or a next time,

Because it's finished,

I'm strong enought to let go of you,

Strong enough to say goodbye,

And all along I thought you were the strong one,

At least you were meant to be,

But I was wrong,

I'm not the weak one,

You are,,

I'm the strong one,

It ends today.

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