Watching My Every Move

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This one may seem quite harsh to some people, but unless you know and how I’m ‘connected’, let’s say to this person it may be a little hard to understand. I know I bring up memories a lot and how you can never be robbed of your memories, it’s too true though, but sometimes you wish they were slightly different...

Also, thank you so much for that person that voted, one vote just like one read or one reader that stays on reading and listening to me means so much to me. I feel I’m being heard for once, and listened to properly, you are the only people who know the real ‘me’.

You watch me like a hawk,

Like you’re a predator,

And I’m your prey,

Thing is I don’t think you realise I know you watch me,

That you’re watching my every move,

As if I’m doing something wrong,

When actually I’m just trying to go about my daily life,

You won’t let me though,

Don’t you dare pretend you don’t,

Don’t you dare pretend you care about me,

You don’t,

I can see it written on your face,

You never listen to me,

Even when I’m trying to explain something,

You just go with your opinions,

Your viewpoint,

Because apparently you’re better than me,

Know me than me because you’re older,

That’s not fair though,

I have right to be speak,

And a right to be heard,

But it seems I don’t,

Because you’re taking it away from me,

I used to be so strong,

Keeping it together,

Never giving up,

Giving in,

But now I’ve lost that will to fight,

That freedom I used to have has trapped me in,

Trapped me in a confined space,

I can barely breath,

Without your eyes on me,

I know you watch

You’re watching my every move,

I hate you more and more each day,

That you really know,

Or understand,

Because I’m trying so hard to keep it together,

For this ‘family’,

What ‘family’ though?

It’s slowly slipping through my hands and into yours,

Into your control,

I won’t let go though,

You can’t take those people away from me,

They mean too much,

You can never take my memories either,

That you know,

The only thing is,

You’re in some of those memories,

And I wish you weren’t.

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