Thinking about you in all that I do

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Trying to shake that person out of your head, push them out because they're taking over everything inside their, but you know you just can't. They're always there in your mind and you always find yourself thinking about them.

Thinking about you,


Whatever I do,

Everything I do,

Whether it's wrong or right,

You're always there,

Everything I do is for you,

Or with you in mind,

You'll always be there,

But not only there in my head,

In my heart too,

Where you're meant to be safe,

Where I'm meant to keep you to make you safe,

But you don't seem to realise,

How much I really do for you,

Or that everything is for you,

I was once in your heart,

But not anymore,

Someone else has moved in,

Kicking me out,

Forced to pack up and leave,

But you'll always be in my head,

But in my heart you're no longer safe,

Because in yours that inamte can break it,

Ruin it,

Shatter everything,

There's nothing I can do to save you,

I've left your heart,

But you won't leave my mind,

No matter what I try.

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