How You Meet (Hedgehogs)

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The trees were reaching high above the ground, stretching through the air. Perched on a branch was a blue mobian named Sonic the Hedgehog. He had recently ran away from his insane fan-girl, Amy Rose, and now, it was time to relax.

He was about to drift into a nap when a small cry came from below. His heroic instincts kicked in, and he jumped from branch to branch until he was on the ground. With a blurs of speed, he ran to the source of the cry, but he was too slow.

A teenage (M/T) was aiding a young boy, whom had hit his head on the rough ground. She was cleaning the bleeding wound with a rag and a water bottle, and was constantly telling the boy that he would be fine. The gash was large and severe, though. He needed professional medical attention.

The female turned her head to the hedgehog and asked, "Can you call for an ambulance?"

Apparently, this girl didn't know a hero when she saw one. "I can do better than that." The male stated as he smirked confidently.

He pulled the (F/C) (M/T) into his arms while she did the same for the young boy. She continued to apply pressure to the bleeding forehead. Quickly, the hedgehog carried the other mobians to the hospital at the speed of sound. Immediately, the young child was taken by some nurses, leaving the two teenagers alone.

Silence surrounded them until the female spoke, "Uh..thanks for the lift."

Sonic shook his head, "No problem. It's what I do. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog, fastest thing alive."

His ego made the female giggle. He found it sweet and cute. "My name is (Y/N). It's nice to meet you."

They waited together for the young child to come back. They talked until then, and decided to hang out some more.When the young boy returned with three stitches and a bandaged head, the two teenagers took the child to find his parents. They were worried sick, and very thankful.

The teenagers made plans to meet in the park again. As they separated, they both had a feeling of excitement in their chests.


He was strolling through the city once again, trying to clear his mind of the constant nightmares of the past. He kept replaying the memory of Maria, how he didn't do anything, and how she would've been alive if it wasn't for him. How could he move on from such a tragic moment? He remembered the promise he made to her, "Shadow, I beg of you! Give them a chance to be happy!" It seemed a lot easier said than done. How do you make someone happy?

Suddenly, a cry of distress and fear emerged from a dark alleyway. The hedgehog skated across the street and into the darkness. He finally reached a young (M/T) being harassed by a large tiger mobian with a gun. She was being pushed against the wall, and her (E/C) eyes were flooding with tears. Immediately, flashes of Maria entered the hedgehog's thoughts, and he reacted.

Before the Tiger could begin his dirty work, Shadow axe-kicked the villain into the wall. The young girl collapsed, and started breathing quickly and hard. The tiger began to fight back, and was ready to kill if he had to. He grabbed the young girl with his arm around her neck and a gun pointed at her skull.

"Back away, or I'll shoot!!!" the criminal demanded. Shadow couldn't stand to see someone else's life taken away because of him, and he took a few steps back.

The female had other plans. She was done playing the damsel-in-distress, and she was prepared to stand up. With the tiger distracted, she pulled her leg up, and kicked it behind her, right in the "no-no square." As the male hunched over in pain, she bit down hard on the villain's arm, causing him to release his grip on the girl.

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